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PMO, Pōhiva & Co.: Go Ahead; Make My Day, Sue Me! Featured

PMO, Pōhiva & Co.: Go Ahead; Make My Day, Sue Me!

Written by Sione A. Mokofisi

11 April, 2015

Part II

Nuku‘alofa, TONGA: Now that I’ve been labeled the PMO’s #1 Enemy (PMO Press Release...April 7, 2015), let me repeat the facts I’ve outlined in my first two letters for those with selective memory disorders. They’re hanging their denials on twisting these facts:

I did not write that the Cabinet has approved purchasing Siaosi Pōhiva & Pīveni Piukala’s computer software. Please read my original letter again. And do they want the public to believe that Pīveni Piukala did not make claims on TV Tonga about their computer product? Sorry but we’re not that stupid.

Ain’t it amusing that Prime Minister Pōhiva, and his cronies at the PMO, are the same gang who attacked past governments like fangs-bared “watchdogs,” are using the same tactics to silence their critics? Now they’ve considered themselves as smart as the Polynesian demigod, “Maui-the- trickster.” And they can fish up island (trick) after island (trick) with fishhooks (keyboard strokes).

Because they have expert communication advisors at the PMO, such as a “cow-reproduction” expert, and a senior bully journalist whose journalism principles are determined by his bank account – Mr. Kalafi Moala – they’ve considered themselves “untouchable.” They have then expensed PMO valuable resources to attack one journalist, and to denigrate civil public discourse to a “piva” (woman’s skirt) journalism fiasco, where they resorted to name-calling, and character assassination.

Siaosi Pōhiva Runs Crying to Daddy

So, Siaosi Pōhiva runs crying to “daddy” in the PMO that Sione Mokofisi has been mean to him in the playgrounds. He, therefore, threatened legal actions, and the PMO has issued an “official” press release in support of Siaosi Pōhiva.

Let me say this, “Listen Siaosi Pōhiva, Prime Minister ‘Akilisi Pōhiva, Kalafi Moala, et al.: Go ahead. Make my day. Sue Me! You can perfect self-denial, but you cannot erase the facts, which are saved on video recordings. And Mr. Kalafi Moala; you need to butt out of this fight; this is not your fight, but you’ve used government properties for your newspaper (“Taimi ‘o Tonga) to jump in uninvited.”

 (a) Fact #1: That the Prime Minister did go on TV Tonga and made an announcement about complaints from parents of high school-leavers − how many filed complaints? he didn’t say − regarding discrepancies in their national examination scores due to a flawed computer “software” in the SPBEA system. But it raised my interest to a high-pitch level perhaps there might be a more sinister motive behind this government declaration. Logic: lack of details on how many parents complained was a missing link.

(b) Fact #2: That shortly after the Prime Minister’s TV announcement, the “computer expert” he promised to arrive in Tonga to fix the problem, Mr. Pīveni Piukala, made claims on the same TV Tonga program − Ms. Viola Ulakai’s TV show – that he (Mr. Piukala) has the solution to the computer problems, which the PM has called a “software” or “mīsini” for the computer. Logic: His detailed technical explanation was overly confusing that it sounded like a “dog and pony” show, and a slick sales pitch; he offered no supporting independent studies.

(c) Fact #3: That Mr. Pīveni Piukala made claims on the same Ms. Viola Ulakai’s TV show that he wished the Prime Minister’s son, Siaosi Pōhiva, was here in Tonga to take “credit” for the work on their product. Logic: Mr. Pīveni has revealed a working relationship with Mr. Siaosi Pōhiva, and that the latter has family connections to the Prime Minister’s Office.

(d) Fact #4:  That Dr. Vesisio Pongi, who mentored Mr. Pīveni Piukala at SPBEA - has confirmed in his letter to Mr. Piukala (I have a copy of the letter); (i) that he misled the Director/Principals’ meeting; (ii) that whatever computer software “system” he claimed to have created will not work; (iii) Logic…Mr. Pīukala claimed to have a software system and Dr. Pongi confirmed that Mr. Piukala had made the claim.

(e) My analyses: (i) I’ve never said that the Cabinet has approved the purchase of Mr. Siaosi Pōhiva and Mr. Pīveni Piukala’s software product; (ii) please read my original letter; (iii) however, by simple logic that left me with the choices of either accepting his slick sales-pitch like an “useful idiot” Tongan as he expected, or use “extrapolation” or “triangulation” research techniques to come up with an educated “estimate.”  

Logic: As an example, if PM ‘Akilisi Pōhiva refuses to tell me how much he is paid as a Prime Minister, I can go to former PM Lord Tu‘ivakanō and ask how much was he paid to do the same job? I’ll have to adjust for a 10% Cola increase and for inflation in today’s pa‘anga, to be able to make an educated estimate. Other similar programs in the market are priced over TOP$1 million.

So, now they’re all claiming there’s no computer software. Really? Then what was Pīveni Piukala trying to sell to us on Viola Ulakai’s TV show, to the Director/Principals’ meeting, which Dr. Vesisio Pongi wrote about? I’m glad now that they’ve conveniently pulled the “software” product out of the market.

Good riddance! We’ve done our job. We’ve saved Tonga from another nepotism fraudulent deal.

(Sione A. Mokofisi is a published bi-lingual journalist in the U.S. and Tongan media. He wrote for daily newspapers, online Websites, and served as editor on weekly and monthly publications. He graduated from Liahona High School, earned a MBA and a minor in mass communications, and is completing the doctoral dissertation for the DBA at the University of Phoenix, Arizona. E-mail address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). 


  • Tali Ahokovi
    Tali Ahokovi Wednesday, 22 July 2015 23:14 Comment Link

    Malo 'Ake Mokofisi, pea 'ai pe mo ke kolosi atu mei Nukunuku ki he LALO TAUA LIAHONA 'o vakai ki he ngahi liliu kuo a'usia 'e he 'apiako he kuonga ni. Neongo ia na'e fu'u makehe 'aupito pe e kuonga ia ' o e onogofulu (1960s) na'a tau 'iai. Malo 'aupito e ngaue pea ha ai 'a e tu'ugna ako mo e 'ilo 'oku totonu ke fai ha fiefia ai. Talamonu atu ki he feinga ako 'oku fai.

  • Filimone Siatahi
    Filimone Siatahi Monday, 27 April 2015 17:31 Comment Link

    Malo lahi Mokofisi e ngaue moe fakamaama, 'oku ke hela koe he talanoa moe kau tufitufi, fai pe 'e koe ho'o ngaue he 'oku mau 'ilo pe 'ae mo'oni na'e ke tuku mai ee....malo e ngaue.

  • william Ziegler
    william Ziegler Sunday, 26 April 2015 17:16 Comment Link

    Mooni ai e lau,'ange'ange e tama he ta'ahine.Fkangai e govt kuo hili,he taimi kotoa.Malo 'aupito Mr Mokofisi ho'o lavei e ngaahi me'a peheni.Koe ngaahi core value ia 'oe Democracy.Freedom of the Press,free speech,right to disagree etc.Ka kor supporter ia 'oe PTOA,oku nau ita lahi nautolu ia kapau tete kii fkangai 'ae PM.Oku nau feinga ke silent e taha kotoa koe style ia ae dictator."Good Job Mr Mokofisi".

  • Sione A. Mokofisi
    Sione A. Mokofisi Friday, 24 April 2015 08:43 Comment Link

    Kai Kuava...'Oku tau maheni he kai kuava, taimi 'e ni'ihi 'oku 'osi pala 'uanga ha fo'i kuava ia 'oku matamata lelei. Tokanga! Kataki he fuoloa e taliatu ko 'eni, ka 'oku tau ngaue 'ofa he talanga ni, ko ia na'e 'ika tali vave atu ai 'o hange ko ho'o tu'utu'uni mai. Ko e "being cleared" na'a ku 'uhinga 'oku lolotonga fai e ngaue ki ai 'a e Kapineti ke paasi. 'Ikai ko ia? Ke he ia mo ha'aku pehe atu "has cleared Cabinet." Hoi, fakatauange na'a ke 'i Tonga ni keke 'aluange ki he 'eku Kalasi English-Tongan Composition 'i he Tonga International Academy. Teke lava pe 'o lesisita 'i he 'emau polokalama "online-learning" ke faka-lelei'i ho'o Tonga. Malo.

  • Sione A. Mokofisi
    Sione A. Mokofisi Friday, 24 April 2015 07:48 Comment Link

    Tika Miko...Ko e tanaki 'o e fakamo'oni (evidence) 'oku 'ikai fai tavale. Tautau tefito ki he Pule'anga, he 'oku lahi 'enau fie-'eiki mo e siolalo mai (stonewalling); pea nau filifili manako 'o 'ikai kenau toka'i mai 'a e kau Tonga foki mei muli. 'Oku nau fie pule ki hono malu'i 'o e Palemia 'o faka-ngatangata (gatekeeping) homau faingamalie (access) ki ai. Sioange aa kimoutolu: Ko Kalafi Moala eni na'e kau ke kaalou ki hono taputapui 'enau faipulusi 'i he kuohili, 'oku takimu'a hono faka-faingataa'ia'i kimautolu. Fakataataa #1: Ko e Press Conference eni 'e 2 mo e NZ/AUS Minisita Muli kuou 'alu ki ai. Na'e faka-ngatangata 'a e fehu'i ki he 4 pe. Pea lolotonga e faiatu e ngaahi fehu'i, kuo kaila mai e kau fale'i 'o e Minisita ('i he lea faka-Tonga) ke fetongi 'a e taumu'a, koe'uhi na'e faingata'ia 'a e Palemia 'i he 'ene tali fehu'i. Ko ia teu faka'aonga'i e ngaahi founga kehekehe ke ma'u ha fakamatala ofiofi ki he totonu ma'a e kakai. Fakataataa #2: 'I he faka-faingata'a pehe 'e he kau malu'i 'o e Palemia, kuopau ke fai fakavavevave 'emau ngaue he 'oku maumau vave (perishable) 'aupito 'a e ongoongo: Fiema'u ke tukuatu ki he kakai 'a e ngaahi fakamatala ofiofi-taha ki he totonu 'i he vavetaha. Ko ia 'oku feinga ai 'a e kau Pres Corps 'a tu'a-pule'anga ke tali e ngaahi fehu'i 'a e mitia 'i he vavetaha. Ka 'i Tonga ni, 'e mafu e ongoongo ia lolotonga 'oku mau kei tatali ke ma'u ha faingamalie ke fakaava mai ha ki'i fo'i ava'i fa'o.

  • Sione A. Mokofisi
    Sione A. Mokofisi Friday, 24 April 2015 07:18 Comment Link

    Malo Tika Miko...'Oku ke "tuki'i e fo'i fa'o 'i he fo'i 'ulu tonu." 'Oku 'ikai kemau fetaulaki. 'Oku nau pipiki ki he pehe tokua na'aku tala kuo paasi 'a e fakatau 'o e "software" 'i he Kapineti, 'a ia kuo u "loi." Hili ko ia, na'e 'ikai ha'aku lau pehe. Peau tu'uaki atu 'e au ia, 'oku 'ikai ko e tefito mahu'inga ia...kohai ia 'e hopo 'o halaia 'i ha hia ko e ma'uhala 'a e ngaue 'a e Kapineti? Pea fakamanamana faka'ilo mai 'a Siaosi Pohiva ia 'e faka'ilo au ko 'eku loi 'oku 'i ai 'ena kautaha mo Piveni Piukala. Hili ko ia, ko Piveni Piukala pe na'ane fakamatala 'i he TV Tonga 'a 'ena ngaue mo Siaosi Pohiva. Sai ia ke faka'ilo au pea teu 'ave 'a e DVD copy 'o 'enau faka'eke'eke mo Viola Ulakai 'o "playback" 'i falehopo.

  • Tika Miko
    Tika Miko Thursday, 23 April 2015 09:23 Comment Link

    mokofisi oku fakaofoofa pe hoo tohi pea uhinga malie mo lelei k koe pango heku mou tauaki fakafekiki o hange oku ikai tatau hoo fakauhinga moe mea oku nau taukave'i mai.
    kou pehe ne tonu pe keke toe eke ke fakapapau'i oku tatau ho fakauhiga mo enau fakauhinga neongo hoo pehe kuo osi feunga pe hoo gaahi fakamooni kuoke osi ma'u.

  • Sione A. Mokofisi
    Sione A. Mokofisi Thursday, 23 April 2015 03:21 Comment Link

    Mo'oni koe, Tika Miko...'Oku ou fiema'u ke faka'eke'eke 'a e tokotaha 'oku fai ki ai 'a e taalanga, 'o kapau 'oku 'ikai ke fe'unga 'a e fakamo'oni (evidence) kuo u 'osi ma'u. (1) Ko e ha teu toe fetu'utaki ai ki he Palemia, Piveni Piukala, Siaosi Pohiva,mo Kalafi Moala ke fakapapau'i 'a e me'a kuo u 'osi ma'u 'a e tatau video 'o 'enau fakamatala? (2) Neu fetu'utaki kia Dr. Pongi he ko e fakamo'oni tauataaina tu'u makehe (independent 3rd party) ia, pea ne 'omai 'a e tatau 'o 'ene tohi kia Piveni. (3) Tokolahi 'o e mitia na'e 'ikai kenau lau 'eku 'uluaki tohi ke mahino pea toki fai 'enau fakaanga: ko 'enau toe fakafana mai pe 'a e lau 'a e 'Ofisi 'o e Palemia, kae 'ikai kenau 'uluaki lau 'eku 'uluaki tohi, pe tenau fetu'utaki mai 'o kapau kuo te'eki kenau ma'u ha tatau 'o 'eku tohi ko ia. Malo.

  • S Mailangi
    S Mailangi Thursday, 23 April 2015 02:39 Comment Link

    Malo S Mokofisi e ma'u ongoongo pea OFa mai aaa kakai o Kii fanongo pea toki Kolosi eeee ioooo

  • Sione A. Mokofisi
    Sione A. Mokofisi Wednesday, 22 April 2015 17:41 Comment Link

    Hey Tika Miko...'Oku ke "splitting hair" 'o taufaa holo ha ki'i me'a keke kape mai ai. Hange 'oku ke 'ilo ki he faiongoongo, ka 'oku 'ikai teke 'ilo 'a e faikehekehe 'o e "editing" mo e "proof reading." Fefe 'a e kalasi "reading and comprehension" ke fai ha ki'i tufi niu ai?


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