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Actions of Tonga's Prime Minister have been 'disgraceful and hypocritical' and it's time for him to step down with grace Featured

Barbara Dreaver 1 NEWS Pacific Correspondent and Prime Minister of Tonga 'Akilisi Pohiva Barbara Dreaver 1 NEWS Pacific Correspondent and Prime Minister of Tonga 'Akilisi Pohiva

Opinion: Actions of Tonga's Prime Minister have been 'disgraceful and hypocritical' and it's time for him to step down with grace: Barbara Dreaver 1 NEWS Pacific Correspondent

 When I first met Akilisi Pohiva many years ago he had the courage of a lion.

A pro-democracy activist, he bucked against the almost absolute rule in the Kingdom, doing prison time in his struggle for democracy and freedom of speech.

To many ordinary Tongans he was a hero, to the ruling royals and nobles a threat.

But there was no doubt his intentions were because he loved his country.

So skip to today and Akilisi Pohiva is the Prime Minister of a Kingdom that’s still trying to find its feet politically.

It’s a country that has serious economic and social problems.


But Mr Pohiva has so far proven to be a huge disappointment and for those of us who follow Tongan politics closely his recent actions have been bewildering to say the least.

His recent sacking of Tonga Broadcasting’s manager Nanise Fifita because he thinks the Government funded broadcaster should back Government policies and he didn’t like how they questioned him is disgraceful and hypocritical, particularly given freedom of speech is a platform he has got mileage out of over the years.

Used to being held in high regard as a pro-democracy leader, he has had trouble adjusting to being rightfully challenged as an elected leader.

Other issues are also troubling. Like wanting to amend the Constitution so top roles like Police Commissioner and Attorney General are appointed by cabinet.

Essentially the police would answer to the Minister – who happens to be his son-in-law.

The Prime Minister has been accused of making a mockery of the parliamentary system after ignoring due process. That’s just the tip of the iceberg.

Its clear Mr Pohiva is not a well man – in a press conference he got confused over a question and started talking about a completely different topic and only came back on topic after a whispered conversation with his advisor.

This confusion is worrying officials – both locally and internationally.

Last year he told me he would not be standing for re-election next year but has told others he is now considering it. He shouldn’t. It time to bow out gracefully before any more damage is done



  • Oua e Fiu
    Oua e Fiu Sunday, 18 June 2017 16:06 Comment Link

    Lolotonga 'etau pukepuke a Fufula, hotau Taufangamotu'a 'o 'etau nofoo, pea kei Vilingia e Fuka he Fungataua pea pehee kihe Malu 'ae Konisitutone 'O Tonga,
    Ko hai ia e Muli ko'eni....Ke ha'u 'o Fiematamu'a 'o Kalanga he Funga 'oe Fonua
    Kapau koha faiongoongo fkpalofesinale 'eni, tene ilo hono ngata'anga moe me'a ke Patato ai....
    .Koe fatongia fktalutalu ia 'o Ha'angata Motu'a mo Ha'angata Tupu ke tauhi 'ae Molumalu 'oe Fonua.....pea tapu aupito ha fiemanimo mo fiematai hotau Fonua, he ko hai ia ? ke taeufi 'enau ha'u 'o lea pehee hotau Fonua .
    Puke atu o Loka'i pea Tipota'i he vave taha.....he ko ha'ane Lea 'eni I Fiji.....Kuo 'oatu e Bainimarama ha'ane Pay he Taimi pe koia.

  • Lowe
    Lowe Sunday, 18 June 2017 15:27 Comment Link

    Ueeee! kou pehe 'e au koe patato holo 'a e Palemia 'oku ne 'ilo ki he 'uhinga 'a e fo'i lea koe Temokalati. Kuo toki sio mai 'a mamani 'o fakatokanga'i 'ene pipiki noa'ia holo 'i he Temokalati. Toe kovi ange 'a e 'oho kuikui holo 'a 'ene kau poupou ko hono feinga'i ke kofukofu'i honau taki ka ko hono mele he'ikai lava ia 'o makofukofu. Tuku ange e Temokalati ia ke lea tau'ataina ki ai 'a e kakai 'oku nau 'ilo ki he Temokalati hange koe faiongoongo 'a e 1 News Pacific

  • Hafoka
    Hafoka Sunday, 18 June 2017 15:07 Comment Link

    Ko hono mo'oni kuo osi ilo'i pea mahino'i ehe Famili ia oe Palemia mo hono kau poupou kuo holo aupito e Tanagata'eiki. Ko e lele atu ia he taimi ni koe ta'e'ofa lahi oku nau fai hono poupou'i e Tangata'eiki ke pinepine kovi ai pe. Ka ku mahalo e sai ange ke fakafisi heene kei lelei na'a ohovale pe kuo me'a ta'evala kihe (hufanga he fakatapu) Ngaue pea koe luma ta'engata ia kihe famili siasi moe fonua.

  • Liu Mai Oso
    Liu Mai Oso Sunday, 18 June 2017 12:42 Comment Link

    Mahino mai 'a e lanu totonu 'o 'Oua 'e Fiu pea mahino mo e temokalati 'oku taukave'i. Ko e toki a'u 'eni 'a Tonga ni kiha tu'unga kuo tuhu'i hangatonu mai 'e he kau faiongoongo polofesinale 'a e vaivai'anga kau ai mo muli pea 'oku 'ikai lava 'e 'Oua 'e Fiu moe kau poupou ke tali. 'Oku mahino mai leva 'Oua 'e Fiu na'e 'ikai totonu ke kotokoo 'a e Palemia ki he keisi 'a West Papua kapau koe fa'ahinga 'uhinga fakapo'uli 'ena 'oku taukave'i. Ka 'oku 'osi e kato pea ngali poto ange e fakalongolongo he 'oku taki taha folahi mai ai pe hono 'osi'osinga.

  • Sione A Mokofisi
    Sione A Mokofisi Sunday, 18 June 2017 02:08 Comment Link

    'OUA E FIU...fakahā ho'o lotokovi, kape'i 'o e ta'ahine faiongoongo 'i he Pasifiki. 'Oku 'i ai 'e ne totonu ke kau he lau ki he PM 'osi 'enau vikiviki'i ia 'i he kuohili. 'Oku 'atā ke kau he lau he kuo kau atu 'a e PM ki he 'ātakai 'o e Pasifiki.

  • Oua e Fiu
    Oua e Fiu Saturday, 17 June 2017 16:12 Comment Link

    Ueeee ! Koe motu'a moa eni mei fe, oku ha'u o "koto ko" ho hotau Fonua ?
    Tolongi atu ke puna o taheu honau fonua moe feitu'u oku ha'u mei ai......pea fklongolongo he oku 'ikai fai atu ha teki kiai.puke atu o tipota'i moe koto ko noaia !!

  • Sione F
    Sione F Saturday, 17 June 2017 15:52 Comment Link

    Kuo motu'a pe PM. Toe tanaki atu kiai moe nenefu ene fklaukau ehe ngaahi drug kihe prostate kanisaa oku ne folo lolotonga hono faifo'o oku toutou puna ai ki NZ. Kuo fuu lahi fau ene ngaahi tu'utu'uni oku ha mahino mai ai e uesia hono atamai, pea ikai kei taau kene taki. Kuo a'u eni kihe hange hono kau poupou ha kau kengi black power atamai kovi, enau taa pea mo lau kihe kakai oku ikai tenau tui tatau. Taimi kene maloloo a ki api kae tuku aa ke hu atu ha taha oku masila ange.


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