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Hoko e Faihala ko e Kakano: Kei hoko atu pe Founga Ngāue Lalo Uaea Potungāue Ngaahi Ngāue Lalahi Featured

Posesi Bloomfield, Fale'i Fakalao Makehe Potungāue Ngaahi Ngāue Lalahi mo hono Hoa Sela Bloomfield Posesi Bloomfield, Fale'i Fakalao Makehe Potungāue Ngaahi Ngāue Lalahi mo hono Hoa Sela Bloomfield

Nuku'alofa, 24 'Aokosi 2015. Kuo ma’u ‘e he ongoongo ni ‘a e tatau ‘o e tohi fakalotofale (internal Memo) ‘a e Fale’i Fakalalo ‘a e Potungāue ki he Ngaahi Ngāue Lalahi Posesi Bloomfield ‘o fakafepaki’i ‘a e fokotu’utu’u kuo ‘osi fakahoko ‘e he Minisita ‘Etuate Lavulavu fekau’aki mo hono teu fakatau mai ‘a e ngaahi me’angāue langa ma’a Vava’u ‘oku fe’unga mo e pa’anga ‘e nima kilu $500,000 TOP.

‘Oku hā mahino mei he fale’i ‘a e Fale’i Fakalao ni ‘a e ‘ikai muimui ‘a e Minisitā ia mo ‘ene Potungāue ki he ngaahi tu’utu’uni ngāue mo e Lao ki he fakatau mai (procurement regulations). ‘Oku fakaofo pea fakalele loto he ‘oku lolotonga fakahoko ‘a e faka’ilo Faka Fale Alea fekau’aki mo e fa’ahinga founga ngāue ko’eni ka ‘oku ‘ikai pe ke tuku ia. Ko e fale’i ko’eni ‘oku hā atu ia ‘i he tatau ‘o e tohi ko’eni ‘oku hā atu ‘i lalo ‘a ia ‘oku fokotu’u mai ai ‘e Bloomfield ‘a e ngaahi me’a ko’eni;

1.    ‘Oku ‘ikai muimui ‘a e teu fakatau me’a ngāue ko’eni ki he Lao ki he fakatau mai (procurement regulations) ka kuo 'osi fakamo'oni'i 'e he ngaahi fa'ahi 'a e aleapau fakatau ko'eni pea ko Pesa na'e fakamo'oni ma'ae Potungāue.
2.    ‘Oku pau ke fakapapau’i ‘e he Potungāue Pa’anga ha aleapau fakatau pea toki malava ke hoko.
3.    Kuo pau ke ma’u ha tu’utu’uni tohi mei he Minisitā mo e CEO moha pepa Kapineti kapau ‘oku fai ha fakakaukau ke ‘oua ‘e muimui ki he Lao Fakatau mai.
4.    Ko e aleapau kuo teuteu ki he fakatau ko’eni ‘oku fu’u ma’ulalo pea ‘ikai malu ke hoa mo e founga ngāue totonu.
5.    Kuo ‘osi fakamo’oni ‘a e konituleki ki he fakatau ko’eni kae ‘ikai muimui ‘i he lao.
6.    Ko e mahu’inga ‘o e ngaahi me’a ngāue ko’eni ‘oku totonu ke fakahoko hano fakamahu’inga ‘e ha sino tau’ataina mei tu’a ka na'e 'ikai hoko 'eni.
7.    ‘Oku totonu ke ‘uluaki vakai’i ‘a e ngaahi tu’unga fakalao ‘o e ngaahi me’angāue ‘oku ‘amanaki fakatau mai.

Ko e ‘ata totonu 'eni ‘a e founga ngāue ‘oku lolotonga fakahoko 'e he Minisitā ko'eni  mo 'ene Potungāue. ‘Oku lolotonga alea'i 'a e fokotu’u ke faka’ilo faka Fale Alea ia 'i he me'a tatau pea ko’eni ‘oku ‘ikai pe tuku he ‘oku lolotonga hoko ‘a e me’a ni. Ko e fale’i ko’eni ‘a e Fale’i Fakalao makehe ‘a e Potungāue na’e fakahoko ia ki he CEO Le’ole’o Fotu Veikune ‘i he Falaite kuo’osi ‘aho 21 ‘o ‘Akosi 2015 hili pe ia ha ngaahi 'aho si'i mei hono fokotu'u ke faka'ilo faka Fale Alea 'a e Minisitā ko'eni.

I n t e r n a l M e m o

TO: To: Acting CEO
Cc    : Director Corporate
: Director Land Transport
: Director PPD

21st August, 2015

FROM: MOI Legal Specialist/Posesi Bloomfield - Advice No. 216/2015

SUBJECT: MOI Legal Advice re Procurement of Vava’u Construction Equipment

Dear Fotu,

Subject matter was referred to me this morning for advice by Mandie (through Liu). My advice is as follows;

1. Contract for purchase has been signed by all parties (with Pesa on behalf of the Ministry). My understanding of Procurement procedures is that we first get approval from procurement before signing the purchase agreement. This will be a problem for the Ministry of Finance.

2. Vava’u Construction Equipment (VCE) may seek to enforce the agreement, but I am comfortable that no Government Procurement Contract is enforceable until it is approved by the Ministry of Finance. This is sole source procurement and I do not see any supporting documents for the use of this method.

3. The Ministry will need full written authorization from the Acting CEO, the Hon. Minister, and a Cabinet paper if Procurement Regulations are to be ignored.

4. This was the first time I have seen the contract. The contract is extremely inadequate as an official Government Document to fully protect the Government. What redress does the Government have if the equipment is substandard? What redress does the Government have if the equipment is currently used as security by a Bank/Lender?

5. I had advised previously that all Ministry contracts should be drafted to a minimum standard, and provided templates for a number of legal agreements, including purchase. This contract is a 1 page document for the purchase of $500,000 worth of equipment, via sole source, and signed already. There should have been many other normal contractual terms in this agreement, which have been left out. We can draft a new revised agreement for your consideration.

6. The valuation for this equipment should be confirmed with Maile, and possibly get an independent valuation.

7. Suggest a credit check (with Banks and Lenders) be run to ensure the equipment is free and clear of all legal obligation.


'Oku fakaloloma 'a e me'a ko'eni kuo hoko ki he founga 'oku fakalele'aki 'a e fonua pea kuo hā mahino mai mei he fa'ahinga founga ko'eni 'a hono va'inga 'aki 'a e Lao 'o e fonua mo e 'ikai toka'i 'a e ngaahi tu'utu'uni ngāue 'a e Pule'anga mo e ngaahi fakatonutonu fakalao 'oku fakahoko 'i he lolotonga ni. 'Oku 'i ai 'a e hounga'ia he tu'u 'a e Fale'i Fakalao makehe ko'eni 'a e Potungāue 'i hono fatongia totonu neongo 'oku 'ikai fanongo mai kiai 'a e Minisitā ia.

'Oku fehu'ia heni 'a e folau 'a e vaka 'o e fonua pe 'oku tamu'a nai ki fe?.


  • Tomasi
    Tomasi Thursday, 27 August 2015 22:22 Comment Link

    Malo Posesi hono fakamaama atu e Palofesa mei Salt Lake

  • Sione Fehoko Latu -  Kolofoóu
    Sione Fehoko Latu - Kolofoóu Tuesday, 25 August 2015 09:27 Comment Link

    Heikai pe to e poto á e tangata ia ko éni. Oku tonu ke longo a á Akilisi ó folo éne lea, he óku íkai tatau ho nau ngutu mo meá óku fai é he kau minisita. Oku taéufi á e tangata ni pea íkai toe fakaápaápa ia ki he pule á e lao (rule of law) á e meá óku taukaveí é Ákilisi. Pea óku hokohoko atu á e vale á e tangata ni koe petipetií é Akilisi mo e kau Temo tokua koe tangata lava meá. Vaivai á Lavu hono kai ho tau kií puleánga ke áuha mo e vale á e Palemia & Kau muimui temo fakasesele.

  • Sifa
    Sifa Tuesday, 25 August 2015 09:18 Comment Link

    Kuo fokotu'uniu e fehalaaki ia pea mahalo kuo fonu mahuohua ia 'i he ipu 'a e PM, faingata'a fau ke ne toe makupusi e ngaahi me'a ni pea maliu ai pe fehalaaki ia 'o tonukatoa mo taakatoa. Fakatauange ketau sio ki he fakamaautotonu he kaha'u vave mai.

  • HeneliOfahulu,Mau
    HeneliOfahulu,Mau Tuesday, 25 August 2015 02:28 Comment Link

    Koe mea koia Nae fakamatala ki ai ae tokoni faka Lao oe pule'anga koe mooni Aupito Ta'e ufi aiainoaia,....pea oku ikai si'i kene toe pehe oku iai ha kau vakai'i, moha fakafu'ofu'a fakalao ae fonua,......oku toki mooni Leva ae kananga,koe kaimumua mooni eni,.....Neongo Pe oku ke ihe tafa'aki oe Temokalati,....ka na'aku osi iloi pe mou toutou siofi ho'o ngaahi movement oku ikai pe ke mamao koe meihe Mouitaefaitotonu,.....deserve a punishment,I agree.


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