Body of Vea Mailangi recovered by Police Featured

6 July 2016. The body of Mailangi Vea, 45, of Fungamisi Vava’u who died at sea at the Island of Late on Saturday 2nd July 2016 has been recovered by Police.
The Search and Recovery team headed by police at Vava’u and Ha’apai recovered the body of Mr. Mailangi Vea at approximately 3:00 pm Sunday 3rd July 2016 on the shores North West of Late.
An inquest held on Monday 4th July determined that Mr. Vea died from drowning.
Vava’u Police District Commander, Superintendent Netane Falakiseni wishes to acknowledge the assistance of: Digicel Tonga and its helicopter crew, Yachts "Tricker", "Tavake" and "Phoenix" which assisted in the rescue and towing back of Mr Vea's boat to Neiafu on Saturday night saving 11 lives, Beluga Diving with the use of its boat "Gladiator" in the search on Sunday 3rd July, Five local divers at Neiafu that assisted with the search and recovery on Sunday 3rd July, Vava'u Radio Communications, Airport Tower and Coastal Radio for relaying radio communications with the helicopter, and Members of the Neiafu community for their support.
Tonga Police would like to extend their condolences and sympathy to the family of Mr. Mailangi Vea.
-Tonga Police