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Faka‘ali‘ali ‘Aati ‘Ātisi Tonga Visesio Poasi Siasau / Art Exhibition by Tongan Artist Visesio Poasi Siasau Featured

M-H / R-L: ‘Otumu‘a (Kau tāme‘a): Viliami Fetelenimoeata, Hayden Lolohea (Pā‘utu ‘O Vava‘u Fakavaha‘apule‘anga), Rev. Viliami Ha‘otā ‘I Pangai Sau (Keiano Pā‘utu ‘O Vava‘ulahi), Visesio Poasi Siasau, Koliniasi Sungalu Vānisi. ‘Otumui: Hūfanga Palōfesa Dr ‘Õkusitino Māhina (Vakai ki he taha ‘o e ngaahi tufunga tāvalivali he holisi ‘i mui / See one of the material arts of painting on the wall behind). M-H / R-L: ‘Otumu‘a (Kau tāme‘a): Viliami Fetelenimoeata, Hayden Lolohea (Pā‘utu ‘O Vava‘u Fakavaha‘apule‘anga), Rev. Viliami Ha‘otā ‘I Pangai Sau (Keiano Pā‘utu ‘O Vava‘ulahi), Visesio Poasi Siasau, Koliniasi Sungalu Vānisi. ‘Otumui: Hūfanga Palōfesa Dr ‘Õkusitino Māhina (Vakai ki he taha ‘o e ngaahi tufunga tāvalivali he holisi ‘i mui / See one of the material arts of painting on the wall behind).

Liviu Tohi moe ‘Aati moe Litilesā /
Book and Art and Literature Review

Faka‘ali‘ali ‘Aati ‘Ātisi Tonga Visesio Poasi Siasau /
Art Exhibition by Tongan Artist Visesio Poasi Siasau

29 April, 2018. Na‘e lava lelei hono fakaava ‘ae faka‘ali‘ali ‘aati lahi ko e “Ko ‘Eku ‘Iai” ‘a e ‘ātisi fakavaha‘apule‘anga ‘iloa Tonga ko Visesio Poasi Siasau he fale faka‘ali‘ali ‘aati ‘iloa Fresh Gallery ‘i Otara ‘i ‘Aokalani ‘i Aotearoa Nu‘usila he ‘aho Tokonaki 28 ‘o ‘Epeleli, 2018 ta‘u.

Na‘e fakaava‘aki ‘ae faiva tā/ififangufangu ‘a Meleseini Haitelenisia Fifita ‘O Lakepa Lolohea Tuai, mo fai ‘ae lea fakaava ‘e Hūfanga Palōfesa Dr ‘Õkusitino Māhina, mo ha ngaahi lea kehe na‘e fai ‘e he ‘ātisi Visesio mo sikola ko Dr Scott Hamilton.

‘Oku tefito ‘ae ngaahi ‘aati na‘e faka‘ali‘ali he tufunga tāvalivali moe tufunga tātongitongi, ‘o filihi mo fulihi ‘e Siasau ‘a e ngaahi kupesi tupu‘a mohu mo fonu ‘a Moana ‘Õsenia mo Tonga ‘oku kau ai ‘a e fata-o-Tu‘i-Tonga ki he ngaahi kupesi fo‘ou, makehe mo faka‘ofo‘ofa fau.

Na‘e vavanga ‘e Visesio ‘a e ngaahi kupesi na‘e tufunga he‘ene felave mo e sino, ‘o hangē ko e ‘atamai mo e fakakaukau he ‘uto mo e ongo mo e loto he mafu / fatu, ‘a ia ‘oku felalavai tu‘u ma‘u ta‘engata he funga ‘o e fakahoko mo e fakamavahe.

Na‘a ne ngāue‘aki lelei ‘a e filosofia mo e teolia tā-vā ‘o e ‘iai, ‘o fakasino mai mei loto ki tu‘a ‘a e ngaahi kupesi he‘ene fakafelavai pe fakahoko mo fakamavahe ‘ae kohi mo e vā he funga ‘o e tatau mo e potupotutatau ke ma‘u ‘a e faka‘ofo‘ofa ko e mafu tefua ‘o e ‘aati.

Na‘e ma‘u ‘e Visesio ha ngaahi pale lalahi he ‘aati, mo fai ha ngaahi faka‘ali‘ali ‘aati lahi mo lahi mo ‘a‘ahi ki he ngaahi fale ‘aati mo e misiume ‘i mamani, ‘o kau ai ‘a Aotearoa Nu‘uslia, ‘Amelika mo Tonga mo ha ngaahi konifelenisi fakavaha‘apule’anga he ‘aati.

‘E fai ha talanga ‘a e ‘ātisi ‘a Visesio mo e teolisi mo kilitiki ‘aati Hūfanga Palōfesa Dr Māhina fakalukufua he ‘aati mo fakapatonu he fekau‘aki ‘a e ngaahi tufunga mo e ‘atamai, fakakaukau, ongo mo e loto he ‘aho 5 ‘o Me. ‘E tāpuni ‘a e faka‘ali‘ali he ‘aho 2 ‘o Sune.

The philosophically yet aesthetically led art exhibition “My Existence” by internationally renowned Tongan artist Visesio Poasi Siasau was officially opened at the popular Fresh Art Gallery at Otara in Auckland, Aotearoa New Zealand, on Saturday 28 April, 2018.

M-H / L-R: Visesio Poasi Siasau, Serene Tay (hoa ‘o / wife of Visesio), Hūfanga Palōfesa Dr ‘Õkusitino Māhina (Vakai ki he taha ‘o e ngaahi tufunga tāvalivali he holisi ‘i mui / See one of the material arts of painting on the wall behind).
M-H / L-R: ), Rev. Viliami Ha‘otā ‘I Pangai Sau (Keiano Pā‘utu ‘O Vava‘ulahi), Visesio Poasi Siasau, Hayden Lolohea (Pā‘utu ‘O Vava‘u Fakavaha‘apule‘anga), Hūfanga Palōfesa Dr ‘Õkusitino Māhina, Koliniasi Sungalu Vanisi, Viliami Fetelenimoeata. (Vakai ki he tolu ‘o e ngaahi tufunga tāvalivali he holisi ‘i mui / See three of the material arts of painting on the wall behind).

The art exhibition was opened by a fangufangu (nose-flute) performance by Meleseini Haitelenisia Fifita ‘O Lakepa Lolohea Tuai, and opening address by Hūfanga Professor Dr ‘Õkusitino Māhina, followed by speeches by Visesio Poasi Siasau and Dr Scott Hamilton.

The artworks exhibited were based on the material arts painting and sculpture, where Siasau thought out and transformed the old rich Moana Oceania complex and elaborate geometric designs (kupesi), such as fata-o-Tu‘i-Tonga into new and unique and beautiful kupesi in original, creative and innovative ways.

Visesio critically thought out the complex and elaborate geometric designs (kupesi) by virtue of the body (that is, self or ego), especially in terms of mind and thinking based in the brain and feelings and desires rooted in the heart, all of which constantly intersect or connect and separate as inseparable entities in both time and space.

He made excellent use of tāvāism as a philosophy of reality by shifting the inside of kupesi onto the outside by means of intersecting or connecting and separating lines and spaces through sustained symmetry and harmony to create beauty, the heart of all arts.

Visesio has won a number of prestigious art awards, done many art exhibitions and participated in art conferences, both locally and abroad, as well as art residencies in art galleries and museums, in such countries as Aotearoa New Zealand, USA and Tonga.

A panel discussion by artist Visesio and art and literary theorist and critic Hūfanga Professor Dr Māhina on art generally and artworks specifically, especially their being inspired by physical, intellectual, emotional, and cultural entities on 5th May. The art exhibition will close on 2nd June.

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