SPTO Ministers and Board of Directors meetings commences in the Cook Islands, 1st – 3rd November 2022

2 November, 2022. The annual SPTO Board and Council of Ministers Meeting & Pacific Sustainable Tourism Leadership Summit commenced today, 1st November 2022 at the Edgewater Resort in the Cook Islands.
This is the first meeting following two years of global border closures with the theme: ‘Partnering for a resilient, prosperous and inclusive Pacific through sustainable tourism’. To be able to remained resilient and persevered in the most challenging time in regional tourism history.
The Tonga delegation is led by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Tourism, Hon. Fekita ‘Utoikamanu together with CEO of the Ministry of Tourism Mr. Sione Moala-Mafi, Director Mrs. Magdalena Fifita, joined by the Planning & Development Manager of the Tonga Tourism Authority, Ms. Simata E La’a Palu.
For the next few days, the Tonga Delegation will be engaged in different meetings arranged by the SPTO.
The series of meetings begins with the SPTO Board of Directors meetings, to be followed by the Inaugural Pacific Sustainable Tourism Summit, and will conclude with the Council of Tourism Ministers Meeting on Thursday.
Other meetings with development partners present have been arranged with anticipation for new initiatives following the SPTO meetings.