Tonga won the First Prize on Promotional Activities and Performance in the “2018 China International Tourism Industry Expo" Featured

12 September, 2018. The Kingdom of Tonga won the First Prize on Promotional Activities and Performance in the “2018 China International Tourism Industry Expo (CITIE 2018)” that was held in Guangzhou City of Guangdong Province in the People’s Republic of China.
This international Tourism Marketing Event was held last weekend from 6-9 September 2018 and attended by over 200 International Companies and 60 Countries throughout Asia and the Pacific region.
The Tongan delegation, led by the Deputy CEO for Tourism, Mr. Sione Finau Moala-Mafi and comprising also of representatives from the Tourism Industry and the Ministry’s Masani Cultural Performers, returned to the Kingdom this morning with much pride and jubilation for their successful participation, and presented the trophy to the Hon. Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Tourism.
According to the Hon. Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Tourism, Hon. Semisi Sika, wining this prize has certainly created awareness of Tonga as a Tourist destination amongst Asian Countries, but especially in the Guangdong Province and the People ‘s Republic of China.
As part of the Ministry of Tourism’s Marketing Strategies, the Province of Guangdong has been identified as its partner for Tourism Development for the Kingdom. Although it is a Sister City for Ha’apai, they have provided grants for the development and upgrading of Roads to Tourism attractions and establishments.
A Chinese delegation led by the Mayor of the Guangdong Province, had visited Tonga again in July to confirm their assistance towards the “Sidewalk” project for the Capital-Nuku’alofa.
The reciprocal arrangement between the Tonga Government and the Chinese Government exempting Chinese nationals from having to apply for a visitor’s visa prior to arrival in Tonga and vice versa, has seen a growing number of Chinese visitors to the Country in the last two years.
Another Chinese delegation to be led by Vice Chairman, Mr. Mei of the Tourism Administration of Guangdong Province will be in the Kingdom next weekend to continue dialogue on development Partnership between the Province and Tonga, through the Ministry of Tourism.
The Hon. Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism, Hon. Semisi Sika has emphasized that these continuous series of Events have opened up an important chapter in our history and history of Tourism Development in Tonga; it will certainly strengthen and expedite the benefits of our relationship and intercultural dialogue and exchange with China.
This whole exercise will certainly help to fast track the opportunities for Tourism, Trade and Investment developments in the Kingdom.
The Guangdong Province and the CITIE 2018 Organising Committee jointly funded Tonga’s participation in CITIE 2018.
1 comment
One can never fathom the wisdom with which the Tongan Government has agreed to exempt Chinese nationals visiting Tonga from applying for a visa prior to arrival and vice versa . What a stupid ! ignominious , bootlicking agreement . In all honesty when will someone with a brain and foresight step up and take charge . How many Tongan will be visiting China every month ? on the other hand how many Chinese will visit Tonga every week , Tonga will become a transit station for Chinese of all sorts , business men, prostitutes , gangsters all will use Tonga as a conduit for moving everything and anything overseas leaving behind their rubbish for the locals to squabble over . The more Chinese coming into Tonga the more the populace will have to adjust ." For the love of Pete " get rid of these comedian ,before Tonga becomes the laughing stock of the world . Why this infatuation with the Chinese ? we must open our eyes to what is happening around us as a people . The truth of the matter is that those who are supposed to rule for the people are the very ones stealing from us , they don't care what the outcome of their actions will be in the future , as long as they get to line their pockets . It's a one sided deal, and we know who will benefit most from it . Tonga is already up to her neck in debt . Lets not sell our soul too . ' MATE PE TONGA HE NGAUE AE TONGA ' what a shame