Mr. ‘Ofa Fa’anunu re-elected as President of World Meteorological Organization Region V Featured

4 September, 2021. Tonga’s Director of Meteorology, Mr. ‘Ofa Fa’anunu has today been unanimously re-elected as the President of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Region V for another 4years for the term 2021-25 during the final day of the 18th Session of the WMO Region V which took place virtually from 1 to 3 September 2021.
In a statement, the Director of Meteorology, Mr. Ofa Fa’anunu stated
“Obviously I am honored to again be elected as President of WMO Region V. I am humbled by the trust that the fellow Member countries of Region V have in me to steer our course in the field of Meteorology again for another 4years. Geographically, Region V encompasses the largest area of the planet which WMO looks after in the field of Meteorology and Hydrology with the 24 Member Countries and Territories of Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Cook Islands, Fiji, French Polynesia, Indonesia, Kiribati, Malaysia, Micronesia, Federated States of, Nauru, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Niue, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Samoa, Singapore, Solomon Islands, Timor-Leste, Tonga, Tuvalu, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America and Vanuatu.
So our challenges are quite unique in the sense that we are in charge of monitoring the atmosphere and the ocean in a very large area of mostly ocean. Our Meteorological priorities in the Region 5 remain the need to improve monitoring systems, improving multi-hazard early warning systems, improving hydrological and water service, enhancing climate services and empowering service delivery to core sectors such as Aviation, Maritime and Agriculture. During this session I am confident that the road map that we have set as a Region is a solid one and one that will ensure that we achieve our targets the next 4years.
Tonga’s involvement at the leadership of WMO Activities in the Region is a testimony to Tonga’s commitment to the global agenda to combat the negative effects of climate change and sea level rise. Our involvement in the decision-making level in the Region is key to our success. I thank the Lord Almighty for his provision and allowing me to be part of his plans in this space.
I thank as well the Honorable Minister and CEO of MEIDECC and the Government of Tonga for allowing me the opportunity to be part of the WMO Organization and Process and to advance the international obligations of Tonga in the work of the World Meteorology Community. I thank all my staff at the Tonga Meteorological Service throughout the country (thank you for keeping Tonga Safe!), and fellow work colleagues for all their support. Lastly, I would like to thank all the Members of my family for all their support and patience that has allowed me to serve the country and to carry out this work. I’m looking forward to the next 4 years.”
Mr. Fa’anunu, was first elected President at the 17th Session of WMO Region V held at Nuku’alofa in 2018. Prior to that held the position of Vice President of the Region from 2010 to 2018.
The 18th Session of the World Meteorological Organization Regional Association V was attended by over 120 Delegates, including the Permanent Representatives of Member States, the President of WMO, the Assistant Secretary General of WMO, Directors of various Programs of the WMO, Presidents of WMO Technical Commissions as well as Representatives for the WMO Regional Office in Singapore and the Sub-regional Office in Apia.
Tonga became Member of the World Meteorological Organization on the 25 of February 1996.