Tonga airline ready to fly Samoa and Tonga for real Featured

4 June, 2018. After four months delay in the launching of flights between Samoa and Tonga, Real Tonga Airline is ready to kick start operations out of Faleolo International Airport on 29 June, 2018.
This was confirmed by Real Tonga Airlines Owner and C.E.O. Tevita Palu, in an email to the Samoa Observer.
“Samoa flight is now confirmed for 29th June,” he said.
The questions pertaining to the details of the service were not answered.
Real Tonga Airlines first commercial flight scheduled for February was cancelled and the decision was made while Tonga braced for Tropical Cyclone Gita, which at the time was intensifying to a Category 4 cyclone.
As reported earlier, Mr. Palu said the airline is set to use its SAAB 340 plane to transport passengers between the two island nations as the start of something the management of Real Tonga hopes to expand to other parts of the region.
The airline has already signed a codeshare agreement with Samoa Airways. Codeshare is an aviation business arrangement where two or more airlines share the same flight.
The flight out of Samoa is a step in the right direction, according to Mr. Latu who told the Sunday Samoan the airline started in 2013.
“I started the airline as a sole and private owner of Real Tonga in 2013 to service Tonga’s domestic air service,” he said.
“Moving to start international and regional air service is quite an achievement for Real Tonga.
“I look forward to working hand in hand with Samoa’s owned airline, Samoa Airways to develop the air transportation between our two nations and to support tourism growth in the Pacific.”
To start, Real Tonga will operate two flights from Tongatapu via Vavau per week.
“We have three engineers based at Faleolo International Airport as support maintenance for Real Tonga.
“The airline is currently completing final license requirements in Samoa and will commence operations with two flights per week.
“All flights are to be operated from Fua’amotu Domestic Airport to Faleolo International Airport in Samoa via Salote Lupepau’u International Airport, Vava’u.
“Real Tonga will be utilising the SAAB 340 for our regional flights, which will be offering up to 30 passenger seats and a full meal service.
“It has been over a decade since there was any significant commercial capacity between the two Polynesian nations.”
Malo pe ma’ukautaha ka oku mau puna vakapuna pe kimautolu i he Tongiaki oku feunga mo si’omau vaivai e
Tau fakamalo pe kitautolu koe 'i ai ha kautaha 'e tu'u hake ke fakalele 'a e sevesi ko'eni ki he fonua he koe pa'aanga lahi 'oku fiema'u kiai. 'Oku mahino koe me'a faingata'a 'a hono fakalele 'o e fa'ahinga pisinisi pe sevesi ko'eni pea malo Tevita Palu mo ho'o tu'u mai neongo 'ikai ha fu'u tokoni fakapa'anga 'a e Pule'anga ki ho'o kautaha. Ko e ngaahi fonua kehe 'o e Pasifiki 'oku tokoni 'a e Pu;e'anga fakapa'anga he koe sevesi ma'a e fonua. Poupou atu pea 'oua tuku e feinga.
Kapau oku ikai lava o makupusi e puna fakalotofonua uanoa aa e puna faka regional. Pea kuo tu’o 7kilu ena hono talaki mai e ongoongo koena moe teeki pe ke lava e puna ki HAamoa.
Ko ia li'aki a 'e moutolu e 'Eua ka mou poupou moutolu ki Ha'amoa!! Fakaoli e ngaahi 'uhinga 'ae Real Tonga ki hono li'aki 'o 'Eua, 'ikai toe ha 'uhinga kehekehe hono tala. 'Alu mei he maumau 'ae vaka, hoko atu ki he 'uhinga faka 'opaleisoni koaa pe koe ha, hoko atu ki he tala 'oku puke e pailate, hoko atu kihe kovi 'ae 'ea, pea koe fakamuimui taha eni ko hono tala 'e T.Palu tokua koe 'ulu 'akau he ngaahi 'api tukuhau ofi ki he mala'e vakapuna. Koe ngaahi 'ulu 'akau tatau pe ena na;e talu 'enau tu'u ai mei fuoloa ka koeha kuo toki hoko ai koe palopalema he taimi ni. Tuku a foki e mio'i kae tala e 'uhinga totonu koe tokosi'i 'ae kau folau ki 'Eua 'o 'ikai lahi e pa'anga 'oku tanaki mei ai. Sai e puna ia ki Ha'amoa he 'oku mamafa e fea.