Tonga Hopeful for New Zealand Aid Release

The Deputy Prime Minister of Tonga says he is hopeful suspended aid from New Zealand will be released shortly.
Siaosi Sovaleni met the New Zealand foreign minister Murray McCully this week and says there were indications that progress was being made on releasing millions of dollars worth of aid.
The aid was frozen in 2013 after the kingdom ignored Wellington's opposition to it using a new MA60 aircraft gifted by China.
This month the aircraft was taken out of service as it didn't meet new aviation standards.
Mr Sovaleni says the door is now open for the aid freeze to end.
"We've taken a few actions that we believe is leading towards a more satisfactory outcome for New Zealand and Tonga. With regards to the aid being released, there was some positive news that we might be looking at getting those funds that were frozen. We are on the right track."
The frozen aid was manily for the Tourism Sector as Tonga and New Zealand currently engaged in a Tourism Partnership Program which mainly funded by the New Zealand government through New Zealand Aid. Huge portion of that aid is for destination development .
Source: Radio New Zealand International