China Aid 'Uiha Student Dormitory Reconstruction Featured

Nuku'alofa, 2nd September 2015. The Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the Kingdom of Tonga announces to provide financial assistance for the reconstruction of dormitory for the students from 'Uiha island in Ha'apai.
The dormitory was seriously damaged during Cyclone Ian in January 2014 with only the foundation of the building left. Since then, the students from 'Uiha island who study in Pangai was seriously effected.
In early August, His Excellency Ambassador Huang Huaguang paid a visit to Ha'apai islands including 'Uiha. His Excellency learned about the situation from the local community and decided to support the reconstruction of the dormitory.
The construction is expected to start later this month and finish in the coming December. The estimate cost for the construction is 70,000 pa'anga.
Malo Fakafofonga e feinga ma'a e kainga pea ko hono 'ai ia 'oku 'ikai koe fakafalala ki he Pule'anga ka ko e feinga holo ki he ngaahi fonua.
Malo Manuopangai e ngaue fakalongolongo pe ma'a Ha'apai 12 pea ko e poto ia. Ko Ha'apai 13 kuo lahi 'ene matanimeke pea kuo a'u ki ha tu'unga kuo 'ikai ke ne kei 'ilo 'eia 'ene me'a 'oku lea'aki. Ha'u 'o longoa'a he palani ngaue na'e 'osi maau pe ia mei mu'a ke 'ai, pea kuo fakahelekeu pe ene hu holo 'ana ia, kae 'ikai 'alu mu'a ia 'o feinga ha me'a fo'ou ma'a Ha'apai 13, toe vivili he mokohunu ke fakaava, ta'e'ofa lahi pe ia he moui hono vahenga. Tuku kehe ka kuo fuu pipihi pe mahaki fakaanga, tukuhifo mo ta'e langa ngaue ia he loto paati 'a e Temo 'o kaukau fakaanga ai pe 'a Ha'apai 13 ia e!