Groundbreakings scheduled for Latter-day Saint temples in Neiafu, Tonga Featured

28 July, 2021. Groundbreaking dates are scheduled in September and October for a pair of temples in the South Pacific, the First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints announced in a recent news release.
The Neiafu Tonga Temple groundbreaking will be held on Saturday, Sept. 11. Elder ‘Inoke F. Kupu, an Area Seventy, will preside at the ceremony.
The Pago Pago American Samoa Temple groundbreaking will take place on Saturday, Oct. 9. A presiding church leader will be named later based on travel requirements related to COVID-19, the news release said.
Attendance at both groundbreaking ceremonies will be by invitation only.
The Neiafu Tonga Temple will join the Nuku’alofa Tonga Temple as the island nation’s second temple.
There are more than 66,000 Latter-day Saints attending 173 congregations in Tonga, according to
President Nelson visited Tonga as part of his global ministry tour in the South Pacific in May of 2019.
- DeseretNews