Energy stakeholders meet to discuss TERM-Plus

12 October, 2022. Tonga energy stakeholders met at MEIDECC’s conference room on October 12 to discuss the implementation of Tonga Energy Roadmap (TERM) Plus, the second phase of TERM 2010-2020.
The stakeholders included CEOs and representatives from line Ministries, Tonga Power Limited, Tonga Electricity Commission and SPC’s Pacific Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy efficiency (PCREEE).
The meeting provided attendees with a brief introduction of TERM-Plus and its proposed interventions to meet national energy targets, discuss the implementation plan for TERM-Plus and emphasise the need for key stakeholders, government ministries and donor partners to collaborate in planning resiliency measures in all sectors.
TERM-Plus outlines Tonga’s efforts to achieve more ambitious energy targets including commitments to 70% and 100% renewable energy sources by 2025 and 2035.
CEO for MEIDECC Mr Paula Ma’u said, “TERM 2010-2020 was instrumental in reducing Tonga’s dependence on fossil fuels and increasing energy access and affordability.
In line with TERM, the government, development partners, civil society and private sector joined forces to implement several renewable energy projects and made substantial improvements to the network infrastructure.”
He noted that four of Tonga’s island groups now operate with significant renewable energy and reliability. Work is still underway to connect the two Niuas to renewable energy and is expected to complete early next year.
He said, “TERM-Plus interventions will accomplish Tonga’s goals not only in renewable electricity, but also transportation, energy efficiency, energy security, resiliency, gender inclusion and data management.”
“Achieving these energy-plus targets will require technological upgrades in almost every area and capacity building skills of those who control, maintain and regulate this dynamic network. The TERM-Plus design includes comprehensive interventions that require development-partner and multi-stakeholder coordination.”
TERM-Plus was launched by the Acting Prime Minister Hon. Samiu Vaipulu, New Zealand High Commissioner to Tonga H.E Mr. Matthew Howell and Global Green Growth Institute’s (GGGI) Director General, Dr. Frank Rijsberman on September 23 during the National Climate Change Awareness Week Exhibition at Queen Salote Hall.
The Department of Energy (MEIDECC) will lead the implementation of the TERM-Plus.