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Tonga's chance of hosting 2019 Pacific Games finally gone Featured

Tonga's chance of hosting 2019 Pacific Games finally gone

28 June, 2017. Any hope of Tonga hosting the 2019 Pacific Games has officially ended now with parliament voting against a motion to do so.

 The vote was carried out on Monday this week after hot deliberations whether to allow the opposition members chance to further elaborate their views on this controversial issue.

The vote ended in a defeat 12-9 for the opposition which sealed the fate of Tonga hosting the 2019 Pacific Games.

MPs also voted out two petitions supporting the hosting of the games, one was organised by the Olympic Committee and the other by members of the Kolomotu'a constituency.

Tonga's Prime Minister 'Akilisi Pohiva made the surprise announcement that the country would pull out of the hosting agreement last month, just under two years before the event was to be held.

The Pohiva government has said it has other priorities to attend to. Tonga successfully bid for the event in 2012.

In the meantime, Fiji has recently announced that it won’t be able to host the 2019 Pacific Games as the remaining two years is not enough for the country to prepare.

The Samoan Prime Minister expressed his country’s interest in hosting the games but not not yet confirmed.


  • Hausia
    Hausia Friday, 30 June 2017 03:48 Comment Link

    Poupou lahi 'aupito ki he lau ko'eni: "This is not about Sevele or whoever. This is all about sports and the development of sports in Tonga, as simple as that."

    He koe 'uhinga pe hono taku e hingoa 'o Sevele he koe taki ma'olunga taha ia 'i Tonga 'oku ne fakafofonga'i e Komiti Sipoti Pasifiki. And it is not about him but the position he holds.

    He is the big fish. Koe kau poupou ia are small fish in the pond. Pea koe ki'i kohikohi ni ia koe taumu'a ia ki he ngaahi ika lalahi 'oku nau va'inga he mala'e.

    'Oku 'iai moe kau poupou ki hono ta'ofi e sipoti koe'uhi tokua koe masiva fakaseniti 'ae fonua. Ka 'okapau 'oku sipela mahino 'ehe konituleki 'e kei totongi pe 'e Tonga 'ae fakamole tatau ai pe fakahoko pe 'ikai fakahoko e sipoti pea kuou pehee 'e au 'oku 'iai e responsibility 'oe taki 'e sipoti 'i Tonga (Sevele) ke fai hono tukuingata ke fakahoko e sipoti.

    'E toe lahi ange mole ki he sipoti 'i Tonga he koe ki'i seniti koia na'e mei tokoni ki he sipoti kuo toe totongi ia ki ha fonua kehe.

    Pea ko'eku poini 'oku 'iai e fakamaau'anga he koe fonua maama 'a Tonga. Pea ne 'osi talaki 'e Sevele ki mu'a atu 'ae ta'efakalao 'ae ta'ofi 'ehe Kapineti 'ae sipoti. Pea koe fehu'i leva kapau 'oku ta'efakalao koe e 'uhinga 'oku 'ikai feinga ai ke muimui ki he lao? Pea kuo talaki 'e hono kau poupou 'oku 'iai e contract 'oku sipela mata'a'aa ai e kei totongi 'e Tonga e fakamole.

    Koe ha e 'uhinga 'oku longo ai 'a Sevele (pe koe taki Sipoti) heni? 'Oku fakatupu hu'uhu'u ia he 'e kau pe moia he totongi foki.

    Ko'eku poini, you (the BIG fish or the BIG KAHUNA as it is called in Hawaii) can't claim that you had done everything for the sports yet you are not using the tools available!

  • Mark Hanson
    Mark Hanson Thursday, 29 June 2017 18:43 Comment Link

    'Oku 'ikai foki 'uhinga 'emau fakaha he paenga ni 'emau loto ki hono fai mai e sipoti ki Tonga ni koha poupou kia Feleti Sevele. Mole ke mama'o. Ko 'emau mateaki'i pe 'e mautolu e sipoti moe fakalakalaka 'oe sipoti he fonua ni, pea mo 'emau faka'amu ke 'inasi 'emau fanau moe to'utupu 'oe fonua he sipoti he levolo fakatu['apule'anga, he taumaia te mau ma'u ha pa'anga ke 'ave 'aki 'emau fanau moe to'utupu ki Ha'amoa, Fisi, Tahiti, Papua etc., ke nau mamata mo 'inasi he fakatu'apule'anga 'ae sipoti. 'Oku toe 'uhinga foki 'emau faka'amu ke fai e sipoti ki Tonga ni ke lava ai hano langa ha ngaahi mala'e sipoti mo ha ngaahi naunau sipoti kehe ke si'i 'inasi ai e fanau ako moe toenga 'o Tonga ni. Hala'ataa ha'amau fai eni koe poupou kia Sevele mo hai fua. 'E tatau ai pe, pe ko Sevele pe ko Po'oii Pohiva na'e CEO he Komiti, Sipoti te mau kei poupou tatau pe. This is not about Sevele or whoever. This is all about sports and the development of sports in Tonga, as simple as that..
    Koena kuo mahino 'e 'ikai pe fai mai e sipoti ki Tonga, pea koe ngata'anga ia. He'ikai toe fai ha lau kiai he kuo tuki tapuni e puha 'oe sipoti. Koe hoko atu e ngaahi me'a fakalao moe ha fua, koe konga kehe pea 'oku 'iai e fa'ahinga ia ke nau fai e me'a ko ia. Kuo mau lava atu, pea tau ta'utu pe a 'I Tonga ni 'o tali ke tau sio tapulu moe siosio 'uakai holo he ngaahi monuu 'oe ngaahi fonua kaunga'api.

  • Hausia
    Hausia Thursday, 29 June 2017 12:27 Comment Link

    'Oua mu'a 'e taku kuo 'osi e 'amanaki he neongo kuo fai tu'utu'uni e Kapineti moe Fale Alea ka koe Fakamaau'anga 'ena moe Lao 'oku kei tu'u moe lau.

    Talaki 'ehe fa'ahinga he uepisaiti ni tokua koe konituleki 'a Tonga moe Komiti Sipoti Pasifiki 'oku sipela mata'a'aa ai 'ae kei totongi pe 'e Tonga 'ae fakamole 'oe sipoti neongo he'ikai fai e sipoti ia 'i Tonga ni.

    Koia, ki he kau poupou ke kei fai pe 'ae Sipoti 'i Tonga hangee ko Nopele Vaea mo Feleti Sevele mo honau kau poupou, koe ha e 'uhinga kuo mou kei 'aka'aka maka ai he tafa'aki? Fai mo faka'ilo 'ae Pule'anga kae tu'utu'uni e fakamaau fakatatau ki he konituleki kuo talaki pea mahalo a 'e toe loto pe Pule'anga ke fakahoko e Sipoti. He koe fakamole 'e kei fakahoko pe.

    Tangata poto foki 'a Sevele, he koe toketa foki, 'Osi lau 'e ia e konitulieki pe 'oku nonga pe ia he 'e kei totongi pe ia tatau pe ia pe 'e fai e sipoti 'i Tonga. Malie e. 'Oku 'ikai foki ko ha fo'ui ia 'o Sevele (pe ko honau kau poupou) 'ae 'ikai fakahoko e Sipoti ka 'okapau 'oku nau tala holo 'oku deserve 'e he kakai moe fonua ke fakahoko e Sipoti tokua ko ha ngaahi lelei pea 'oku totonu ke nau 'ave 'ae me'a ni ki he fakamaau.

    Tuku kehe ange foki kapau ko ha fasitu'u pe 'ae pehee 'oku sipela mata'a'aa 'e konituleki 'ae kei totongi pe fakamole 'e Tonga tatau ai pe pe 'e fakahoko e sipoti. Malie eh.


  • Mark Hanson
    Mark Hanson Wednesday, 28 June 2017 16:35 Comment Link

    yeah, right. Priorities like the golf lake and irrigation park. The whole world now see a totally different meaning of the word 'priority'.


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