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" LEAD BY EXAMPLE " ? The Government is plying " Blind Man's Bluff " with the peoples feeling ,. How is it that members of his Cabinet are saying what a man of vision he is , others say he's still the peoples favourite and so forth , then where is the fruit of his vision , if that's the truth than how come this letter calling for his removal from office with 3,000 signatures , surely that must mean something .To deny what's in the letter and say that it is all lies from start to finish is a blatant disregard for the rights of the people to show their anger and frustrations in a letter to the house because of the erratic behaviour of this Government . The Premier has always advocated fair play , that head of departments should lead by example We have heard of job applicants being passed over in favour of a family or friend of the head of a department . The Premier has his son as his personal assistance his son in law as Minister of Police , is that not a clear example of good leadership ? One does not hate the Premier as a man ; one hates what he is doing , he has gone from being the champion of the OPPRESSED to be the OPPRESSOR ! .