  • One of the files that is needed for the correct operation of the System - CW Gears plugin appears to be missing! Please install a fresh copy of the latest version to fix this issue.

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'Aia koe kau ikuna 'eni. Kautaha Siaina, na'e ma'u 'enau tu'unga satelaite. Tongasat, kei ma'u fakalao pe honau 'inasi $$$$$$$. Loea moe Court 'e ma'u 'enau $$$$$$$. Koe kau 'ulungia leva 'I he hopo ko 'eni koe Tongan People.
'Oku toe malie ange 'a e hopo ni koe tu'utu'u atu 'a e ongo talatalaaki koe 'eke 'a e $$$$$$$ ke fakafoki mai mei he owner kae fakatonutonu mai 'e he fakamaau ia koe founga ngaue 'oku 'a e Pule'anga Tonga na'e fehalaaki. Na'e totonu ke tafoki hake pe 'a e PSA 'o talaange kia 'Akilisi "Shame on you, you idiot!!!!!!. Same way you fund the construction of the Paka Popua." Next case please.