  • One of the files that is needed for the correct operation of the System - CW Gears plugin appears to be missing! Please install a fresh copy of the latest version to fix this issue.

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Koe fatongia ia 'a e kau Loea ko hono vakai'i pe na'e maumau'i 'e he pule'anga 'a e aleapau moe SPG pea 'oku fai ia ki falehopo.
Koe palopalema ko 'ena koe "SELF VICTIMIZE " ne vave 'ene mafola 'o pihia ai e tokolahi 'a e fonua. Koe kovi taha koe fa'ahinga kakai koe 'oku nau ma'u 'a e "Very high external locus of control". These people are never satisfied with any situations and they always in a negative atitude. They quick to blame others for nothing and reasoning other's actioncs,etc. Fakatata mahino pe ko 'ete to koe he sivi pea te tukuaki'i 'e kita 'a e faiako.
Fo'i ngaue lelei 'a e pule'anga motu'a hono feinga'i mai 'a e sipoti kae pango 'oku tau hoko koe victim 'i he self victimized 'a e pule'anga lolotonga 'o ngaue 'aki 'a e 'ekonomika.
Koe pule'anga poto 'oku mu'omu'a ma'u pe 'a e fiefia 'a hono kakai 'i ha toe me'a. He'ikai ma'u ha fiefia ia 'i he fakahaofi pa'anga 'oku fai 'o fakatatau ki he fiefia na'e mei ma'u 'ehe fanau sipoti moe kakai 'a e fonua mei he sipoti. 'E kei masiva pe 'a Tonga ia tatau pe pe na'e fakahoko pe 'ikai fakahoko e sipoti, koe masiva tatau ai pe. Ko e pa'anga 'oku tala 'e fakahaofi 'oku mo'oni 'a e lau......nothing more than a cog in a wheel that goes nowhere.