  • One of the files that is needed for the correct operation of the System - CW Gears plugin appears to be missing! Please install a fresh copy of the latest version to fix this issue.

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Ikai ke 'ilo hifo 'e Mokofisi koia 'oku mio'i 'ene 'ene faitohi! 'Oku ke he 'ene tohi fakapilitania pea kehe 'ene translate kihe fakatonga, pea loi leva 'enei faka'uhinga! Ta koee Koe mahu'inga 'o e software 'oku laka hake he 1 miliona kae tala'a 'eia Koe multimillion dollar software!
Kehe fakama'ala'ala 'a Siaosi Pohiva fekau'aki moe fengaue'aki mo Piveni pea kehe 'ai 'ene faka'uhinga!
Mokofisi jumped the gun, but the gun has no mahafus!!! lols....malie!