  • One of the files that is needed for the correct operation of the System - CW Gears plugin appears to be missing! Please install a fresh copy of the latest version to fix this issue.

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Tangate 'a e tali pea ko e fakafuo mai heni laumalie 'o e fakakaukauu / loto 'o e tokotaha 'oku ne fakahoko 'a e tohii. Tokanga pe na'a mole si'o leleii he ngaahi fu'u nge'esi talamu he 'oku 'ikai 'ai mahino kinautoluu; 'oku nau 'ai tau lau pe nautolu hangee ha finematu'a Poupou atu ki he TIA mo e pouaki e maa'imoa akoo. Ko e me'a'ofa 'a Langii 'a ia 'oku mokoi ki ai 'a e La'a 'o Tonga; pea ngaue'i ke mo'ui 'a e fakakaukauu; ka 'oku 'ikai ko e kaakaa mo e loi folalahi. Malo mo e 'ofa atu Helu.