  • One of the files that is needed for the correct operation of the System - CW Gears plugin appears to be missing! Please install a fresh copy of the latest version to fix this issue.

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'Oku maalie lahi foki 'a 'ete vakai ki he ongo tafa'aki loua. Ko e fa'ahinga koeni 'oku 'ikai kenau oli'ia 'ia 'Akilisi, te sio atu ki he anga 'enau lea mo 'enau fakakaukau ko 'Akilisi ko e fakaanga pe mo e faka'auha 'ene taumu'a. Pea ko e fa'ahinga koeni 'oku nau 'otua 'aki 'a 'Akilisi, 'oku nau pehee ko e fakaeve pe ko e fufulu eni ehe Palemia 'a e ngaahi ngauehala 'o e pule'anga kimu'aa. 'I he'eku sio atu leva koee 'a'aku, 'oku 'uhinga tatau katoa pe kinautolu ki he faka'auha. Pea 'oku tau fakatu'otu'a atu ki ha Pule'anga fo'ou ha'a nau toe omi 'o langa langa fo'ou 'a e fakaeve koeni 'oku fai koeni. Kae sai pe 'oua temou ngaue ke ta'ofi 'enau me'a 'oku fai, tuku ketau melemo kotoa, pea temou toki pehee leva KAPAU PE AA NA'E ME'A, KAPAU PE AA NA'E PEHEE ...