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Kuo ha mahino mai e fa'ahinga temokalati ne teke 'e he Palemia ka ko e Minisita Ako 'a e Pule'anga Tonga, 'a e kehekehe e ngaahi principle na'a ne nofo'aki he ngaahi taimi kimu'a, 'o tupunga ai 'a 'ene manakoa ka koeni kuo kehe ia he kuo hekeheka mo e mafai pea kuo pule fakaleveleva 'o 'ikai toe tali ha fakapoto pe toe fakakaukau 'a ha taha...kuo fakafokifa pe 'a e ngaahi fehikitaki fo'ou 'a e Potungaue Ako kuo mei 'osi e ta'u...koe fehu'i , koe ha e 'uhinga totonu ki he ngaahi fehikitaki koeni ?..'Ikai koe 'uhinga koe lava e kakai koeni 'o lea atu 'oku hala e me'a 'oku ke vivili ta'e'unua ki ai mo ho foha ko Siaosi mo Piveni Piukala ?..'Ikai koe 'uhinga ia hono fakahiki 'a e pule 'o e Va'a SIvi ,'Analupe Voi ki TIOE kae fakahu hake 'a Piveni ki va'a sivi ?..kuo 'ilo'i kotoa he Potungaue 'a Lucy Moala (tapuange mo ia ) 'a 'ene 'ulungaanga fakalongolongo pea kuo 'osi mahino 'ene fetongi 'a Claude Tupou koe'uhi ke 'oua tene fakatonutonu e Palemia he me'a 'oku hala kae 'io 'io pe 'o hange ko'ene kau fale'i ( 'okapau 'oku nau fale'i ha me'a )...ko hai 'oku ne fakalele mo fokotu'utu'u e Potungaue Ako 'a e Pule'anga ?..Siaosi mo Piveni ?, he koe ngaahi fehikitaki kotoa koeni 'oku 'ikai maa'usia he Palemia ia he maumau moe mole molale fiengaue 'a e kau ngaue..koe Potungaue tokolahi taha mo mahu'inga taha eni 'a e Pule'anga , ka lotolahi e kau ngaue ke nau fakaha loto ke walkout mei he ngaue pe fai ha tohi tangi ki he ngaahi fokotu'utu'u fakatikitato mo siolalo e Palemia pea kou poupou kakato ki ai..UNITY AND SOLIDARITY !!!

Dear Deputy CEOs,
I am writing to inform you that I have received a directive from the Hon. Prime Minister and Minister of Education and Training to execute the following actions with effect from Monday, 21 September, 2015:-

1. Mrs. Lucy Moala-Mafi, who was appointed the Acting CEO in Mr. Claude Tupou's absence at the USP meeting in Fiji as from 16 - 18 September, is to remain as the Acting CEO until a new CEO for the Ministry is recruited.

2. Mr. Claude Tupou is to return to his position of Deputy CEO for Learning and Teaching.

3. Mrs. 'Ana Lupe, Chief Education Officer for Examinations is to be transferred to the vacant post of Principal, TIOE.

4. Mrs. Jennytima Taufa to be the Acting Chief Education Officer for Examinations until the Staffing Exercise for 2016 confirms.

A formal letter conveying the above-mentioned will be circulated tomorrow.

For your information and dissemination to staff under your supervision, please.

Malo 'aupito, and your prayers are greatly needed.

Lucy Moala-Mafi
Acting Chief Executive Officer

cc: Heads of Units/Schools

Deputy Chief Executive Officer (Responsible for Human Resource Management & International and UNESCO Affairs)
Ministry of Education and Training - Kingdom of Tonga;
Phone: (676) 23511; Fax: (676) 23596