  • One of the files that is needed for the correct operation of the System - CW Gears plugin appears to be missing! Please install a fresh copy of the latest version to fix this issue.

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'Oku malie lahi 'e tohi ko'eni pea 'oku mo'oni 'a e ngaahi poini 'oku 'omai ai he na'a tau fanongo kotoa kiai mo 'ilo'i. 'Oku ou fakame'apango'ia he kakai 'oku 'ikai kenau sio lelei ki he poini kae 'ohofi 'a e sino 'o Clive. Ko e lautohi 'a e kakai maama 'oku nau sio pe ki he poini mo e 'uhinga pea 'oku 'ilonga pe 'a e kau kk hange koe fakahua 'a e kau Kava Tonga 'oku nau si'aki 'a e poini kae sio ki he sino 'o e tokotaha 'oku ne 'omai ha fakakaukau pea tapalasia. Ko hono ola ia 'o e ta'au 'o e tekinolosia he kuo "tee e leleva pea tee ai pe mo e pokumei".