  • One of the files that is needed for the correct operation of the System - CW Gears plugin appears to be missing! Please install a fresh copy of the latest version to fix this issue.

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Manako ma'u pe he fanongo ki he hiva ni hono hiva'i 'ehe kau hiva he CD koe Kuila koaa ('ikai keu ma'u ki he kau hiva). Ifo atu e fanongo ki honau le'o pea toe malie koe fanongo ki he ngaahi kupu'i lea malie he fa'u neongo na'e 'ikai fu'u 'uhinga malie kiate au.

Hange koe pehee "Ki ha ‘aho ho’o toe ha’u koe langalanga’i manatu", kae toki mahino 'eni hono lau e article ko'eni.

Toe ifo atu e fanongo hiva he fakakaukau loto atu ki he malie moe loloto e fa'u 'ae punake.

Malo hono vahevahe mai 'eni.