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Pacific leader reiterated at COP25 that coal is killing the Pacific Featured

The general secretary of the Pacific Council of Churches, James Bhagwan The general secretary of the Pacific Council of Churches, James Bhagwan

10 December, 2019. The general secretary for the Pacific Conference of Churches has told Australian Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, the coal industry is killing the Pacific.

Reverend James Bhagwan made the remarks during the COP25 UN climate talksin Madrid, where leaders are thrashing out the final rules to the Paris Agreement.

Under the Agreement, more than 200 countries have to restrict their emissions.

"Each lump of coal represents a nail in our coffins," Reverend Bhagwan said.

He used the biblical story of the good Samaritan to describe the role of some in the region, who claim "they are part of the Pacific family but leave us lying, bleeding, dying on the side of the road."

"Who really is our neighbour in the geopolitical context of climate change?"


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