“ FAKE NEWS...Dr. Cleo Paskal of Chatham House think tank would have us believe New Zealand and Australia are out to rob the Pacific Islands. Without proof, or examples, is Dr. Paskal the 21st Century Messiah coming to save the Pacific Islands from these 2 bad wolves?
Since when did NZ and Australia steal or rape the Pacific Islands of any treasures? On the contrary they have been spoon-feeding these Islands for years through their generous foreign aids, and offering opportunities to inflow migration from these islands? We wish, however, they would allow more inward migrants to relocate from the islands especially Australia who are very stingy about it.
New Zealand and Australia are the Pacific Islands' most generous donors to their economies, cultures, and social needs. What might they want tor rob these islands of when they are donating to their survival, and keep them afloat paternalistically?
Perhaps Dr. Paskal can enlighten us with examples and proof instead of throwing flamethrowers to scare Pacific Islanders of our most faithful benefactors for centuries.
Leaders of these Pacific Islands need to wake up and start figuring out how to be self-sufficient and stop expecting handouts from New Zealand and Australia every year. ”