“ Alas my dear sisters & brothers !am so grateful for this opportunity to drop down a couple of words & phrases over here ..i just wanna make it notable to you all that everything is well with the misinales ..kids are safe n sound with mom n dad at home..may the glory n honor be upon him always !well first n foremost we should be grateful for all the infinite n unfathomable blessings that he has bestowed upon us each day ..am sure some of our fans wish to sing in Zion but they re sleeping 4ever so its explicit that he has a perfect plan & a perfect timing for all of us so we must learn to accept his plans with grateful hearts ..i would like to say good bye to you all with one of my favorite quotations taken from the book of Philippians chp4;1- it says "Therefore my brothers & sisters you whom i love & long for my joy n crown ,stand firm in the Lord in this way dear friends ..cheers & peace out to you all!!ofa adu ”