  • One of the files that is needed for the correct operation of the System - CW Gears plugin appears to be missing! Please install a fresh copy of the latest version to fix this issue.

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'Oku fakapoto e fo'i fokotu'u 'o hange 'oku fakapipiko e fanongo kiai. Kuo tupu e kakai mo hotau tokolahi pea 'oku tau sio he fokotu'u fo'ou e ngaahi ako'anga koe'uhi ke malava e fatongia e fonua ko hono ako'i hono kakai. Kau eni he fokotu'u laulaunoa mo fakapiko lahi. Tuku e fiepopoto kae 'ai ha fokotu'u 'oku 'aonga. 'Osi atu ee teuteu to'o e kelekele e matu'a Tonga oku nofo muli hoko mai eni ke tamate'i e ako'anga. Fefe keke fokotu'u pe 'e koe ka koe keke maloloo ki 'api mo ho'o ngaahi fokotu'u noa'ia mo e fakatuta ki he'emau fanongo.