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This is a disease that wreak havoc with horrific consequences . Unfortunately it's the price we pay as a society or country for this epidemic once it takes hold. It will take a lot of effort from the government as well as the community to clean up this flotsam that's been washed up on our shores . Because of its street value pushers are able to throw money around and this like the proverbial 'carrot and the stick', especially so to poor people.The nation has a two prong issue here #1 men and women being deported from overseas among them , are drug users some come back as full blown drug addict #2 some government officials are sometimes the guilty culprit in this game of hide and seek by turning a blind eye to drugs being siphoned through ports and airport into the country as custom workers looked the other way, here kickback monies thousands is put into bank account or just handed out and every everyone gets a share, this is for a days work.Now we have a perfect setup ready to be taken advantage of by the syndicate we have druggies and corrupt officials . If the government could reduce the number of addicts being deported from overseas, unless they are in a country illegally the government should refuse to take them back, if they are citizen of that country why send their dross back? they took them in let them sort it out there . Then and only then could Tonga begin a rehabilitation programme to deal with this evil that's plaguing this poor nation .. This is a long and painful journey for both family and addict also the nation as a whole and the government has to fork out taxpayers money to treat this sickness .Strong actions must be taken by government to deter would be drug runners from smuggling in their deadly ware. These people should be stretched from the highest coconut tree.Show no mercy. Public servants who are guilty of excepting bribes should get life behind bars. Educating the youths of the land through church schools and youth programme , to alert them to the danger and the damage it does to ones brain. This is a national crisis government, village communities , the church all must work as one so as to be rid of this Menace.