  • One of the files that is needed for the correct operation of the System - CW Gears plugin appears to be missing! Please install a fresh copy of the latest version to fix this issue.

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Na'e 'ikai puli ki mamani 'a e founga na'e fakapa'anga 'aki 'e 'Akilisi mo e Pule'anga 'a e langa mala'e ta pulu 'i Popua. 'Okapau koe founga na'e ta'efakalao, pea ka 'eke'i fakalao, 'e hao pe 'a e Lavulavu & Co he na'e 'ikai maumau'i 'e nautolu ha lao. Ko 'Akilisi moe Pule'anga 'oku totonu ke tautea'i 'okapau na'e ta'e akalao 'enau founga ngaue.
'Okapau 'e toe 'eke'i fakalao 'a e Lavulavu & Co ke fakafoki 'a e $$$$$ na'e totongi 'aki nautolu he koe Public Fund pea 'oku 'ikai totonu ia ke fakafoki. Koe mafai 'oku 'I he Public Fund 'oku ngata pe ia 'I he Pule'anga. Koe fund 'I he vaha'a 'oe Pule'anga moe Lavulavu & Co 'oku 'ikai koe Public Fund ka koe Payment 'oku entitle ki ai 'a e Lavulavu & Co
Koe issue fekau'aki moe 'eke ke totongi fakafoki 'e he Tongasat 'a e $$$$$ oku totonu ke 'eke ia 'e Akilsi moe PSA ki he Pule'anga 'o Sevele mo Tu'ivakano kena totongi he ko hona Pule'anga na'e 'iai 'a e fund 'oku tala koe Public Fund pea na'e foaki 'I he founga ta'e fafalao 'o fakatatau ki he lau 'a e Fakamaau. Ka ki he Tongasat, they simply received their entitlement.