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This is just the tip of the iceberg . This is a fight for survival . Something must be done to stamp out these PUSHERS who are being used to distribute this horrible stuff on the street . Tonga is sitting on a ticking time bomb , unless she comes down hard on these people ,she'll be overwhelmed . There are no quick fix solution to this evil trade . Somehow the people behind the scene , controlling , supplying the drugs to the PUSHERS must be brought to justice . Stern action is to be taken to halt this traffic in drugs . Whats sad is the ignorance of these idiot , who don't know that 'he who rides on the back of a Tiger ends up inside the Tiger " . Arresting the lesser small fry , will not necessarily reduce nor stop the selling of illicit drugs . Till the law weed out the kingpin directing the operations whether inside Tonga or from overseas and bring to justice those responsible , will the fight to eliminate this horrific scourge that's sweeping the islands have any chance of succeeding . Society is grappling with something they don't know very much about , therefore are at the mercy of the drug dealers . Drug Pushers should get life imprisonment , nothing less as a deterrent . The dilemma facing Tonga is that islands are scattered allowing easy access to yachts for the movement of drugs , in or out of Tonga . Everyone should look deep into ones heart and ask , where have I lost my way . God bless Tonga .