  • One of the files that is needed for the correct operation of the System - CW Gears plugin appears to be missing! Please install a fresh copy of the latest version to fix this issue.

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Takitoa moe TASANOC, tau ki'i 'ai'ai fakalokolo pe mo tau kii'i fakalokua holo pe heni. He'ikai pe toe fie foua mai 'eha fe'auhi sipoti fakavaha'apule'anga e hala ki Tonga ni he kuo tu'usi 'ehe pule'anga ko eni e fo'i hala ko ia.
Tau toki fakataha atu pe ki tahi-tapulu 'o fe'auhi ta te'elama ai. Fakataha katoa hake kihe paaka namu veve ' I Tukutonga pea to'oto'o hake ha kane moha savolo ke tau fe'auhi tata kele ai.