  • One of the files that is needed for the correct operation of the System - CW Gears plugin appears to be missing! Please install a fresh copy of the latest version to fix this issue.

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Hange 'oku namu faikehe e me'a ni. Anga e fakamatala 'ae motu'a PNG ko eni hange ia na'a na 'osi femahino'aki naua mo 'akili ke ta'ofi e sipoti. Pea hange 'oku ki'i fakatupu hu'uhu'u 'ene he'ikai ke nau fie host e sipoti pea he'ikai ke nau piti ki ai, he ko hai na'e kole atu ke nau host pe piti ke host e sipoti? Ka 'oku 'ikai ke fie foaki e $$ na'e palomesi pea kataki pe 'o lea hangatonu, kae 'oua 'e toe toi taka holo he 'oku 'ikai koha kau 'uli'uli kitautolu ke lohiaki'i pehe'i. Ki'i taka fakatupu'ita tama e mio'i takai holo 'a 'akili.