  • One of the files that is needed for the correct operation of the System - CW Gears plugin appears to be missing! Please install a fresh copy of the latest version to fix this issue.

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Kuo toe foki mai a 'Etuate Lavu 'o Minisita MIA, he ko ena 'oku kau ma'u pe he fakataha fakapotungaue 'a e MIA mo ne fokotu'utu'u atu e ngaue 'ae MIA. Ko Sita ia koe fo'i mu'angutu 'ata'ataa pe, koe palani moe fakakaukau ko 'etu kotoa ia. Tau sio he ta'u ni ki hano nafu 'e lavu e ki'i vote moe ngaahi pa'anga project 'a e MIA. Ka 'oku sai he koe kau ta'eako tu'utamaki ha'aki pe ko ena na'a nau fili ki he ptoa te nau fua e kanongatamaki.