  • One of the files that is needed for the correct operation of the System - CW Gears plugin appears to be missing! Please install a fresh copy of the latest version to fix this issue.

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KĀTAKI FALAKESI...ko e hā e 'aonga 'o e vaotā tongó ki he 'ātakaí? Ko e malu'anga 'o e fua mo e kanahe, paka, ngaahi ika kehekehe, etc., kenau fanau mo fakatō fua pea malu ai honau fanga 'uhiki mei he fanga Ika fekau lalahi (predators).
TATU MO E MO'UI 'A E FONÚ. 'Oku nau mo'ui ke fakatolonga honau fa'ahinga (species) mo 'enau fanau pea nau toki faka-māvae atu ki tahi moana. Kuo pau kenau omi 'o fakató mo fanau ofi ki 'uta mo e matātahi 'oku ma'u ai honau malu'anga. Fake'eke'eke ki ho'o faiako "biology" mo e ako ki moana 'o e fa'ahinga Ika mo e paka 'oku nau mo'ui 'I he vao tongó.