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There are no discrepancies or inconsistencies because the pieces of legislation OGL is talking about have different purposes and they address different stages of development and different needs consistent with those stages of development. At 21 people are considered mature enough to make their own decisions regarding government and political matters. Compulsory education to 18 is to keep boys and girls in the classroom to be assisted and guided by the educational institutions with the view of securing employment, further education and a good future. Getting married at 15 with parental consent is a measure to respond to parents (and individual's) request and rights to do what they want. But this is not the norm. It only happens when girls and boys take matters into their own hands until it's too late to stop a pregnancy or teenage sexual relationship. OGL cannot come up with a piece of legislation that can address all these issues, and she can't deny the parents their right to ask for permission to marry off their daughters (or sons) because OGL is not the one whose feelings and hearts are broken by the unwise decisions of individual boys and girls. I wish to stress here that no piece of paper or legislation can stop boys and girls from doing what they want to do.
With regards to CEDAW. another piece of paper that is only meaningful in a court of law. It will not stop people from doing what they want to do. Can OGL tell us if people had stopped drunk driving even when there are laws and legislations against drunk driving? have people stopped stealing? have people stopped committing adultery? or assault? or drug dealing? or neglecting their children? or embezzling funds? or misusing government funds and assets? or many other crimes that already have laws and legislations in place? Can she tell us how can that extra piece of paper called CEDAW stop people from committing the crimes that are already enshrined in the Tongan laws? Let me tell you OGL. The answer is NOT another piece of legislation or convention. The answer is in peoples hearts and minds and you can't legislate that.
Tonga does not have to ratify a convention that was drafted to address problems of societies a world away from Tonga. UN conventions are drafted by people who are mostly non-Christian, have no moral values, have unconventional lifestyles, have no understanding of the Tongan family unit and the Tongan society. These people are activists who want to push their own agendas and shove them down the throats of poor nations like Tonga by dangling a few carrots in front of people like OGL.
Wake up people and don't be fooled by people like OGL who needs the money of big donors like UN Women etc. to keep their jobs at the expense of the Tongan society.
Most of us have read the CEDAW and have done our own unpacking and we can see the opening that can be used later to slowly entertain the remaining ugly part of the convention. Talk about letting the camel's hoof into the tent!!!
C'mon OGL, forget the CEDAW and concentrate on providing a safe house for girls who run away from home.