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Is it renewable energy as such or is it really renewable human use (or intellectual and technological means of use) of energy? Is it not physics specifically and science generally which tells us that energy cannot be created nor destroyed but can only transform (or be transformed by people through use) from one form to another, which quite simply means that there is really no renewable energy as problematically assumed. The problem is therefore not to do with energy as such but rather with the human use of energy.

Is not the search for modern, affordable and reliable energy actually a search for modern, affordable and reliable use (or intellectual and technological means of use) of energy? So, the fundamental problem is not the so-called modern, affordable and reliable energy but rather the modern, affordable and reliable use of energy by people.

We only have the current environmental crisis, where the accelerating, all-embracing global warming has seriously issued an increasing (yet largely not taken heed of, fallen to deaf ears) global warning, as in the case of global climate change, to readily bear true witness to this undeniable truth of reality and somewhat unwelcome fact of life.

The human use of energy as a natural entity given in reality lies in its very transformation into different forms of energy (and not the assumed creation or destruction of it) is in a dire state of crisis. This crisis state of energy is brought about by people-enforced asymmetrical and disharmonious relations of exchange between people and the environment.

A successful mediation of this state of crisis, where it is transformed to a condition of stasis, defined by a sense of symmetry and harmony is basically a work of both science and art. This state of symmetry and harmony is a state of beauty. Is not this state of beauty what is meant by sustainable energy or for that matter containable energy, where it is formally-marked, substantially-made through sustained symmetry and harmony, transforming the current energy crisis into a state of stasis?

(From a pessimist view, in respect of the current human-induced environmental crisis, we as merely a minute fraction of the whole inhabitants of the so-called Global Village, Spaceship, Earth, have undoubtedly declared war on Nature. By using energy in different forms as an ammunition, I am sure, Nature will as always in the long history of Earth fight back and it will fight back hard certainly but indiscriminately with great power, force and fury.)