  • One of the files that is needed for the correct operation of the System - CW Gears plugin appears to be missing! Please install a fresh copy of the latest version to fix this issue.

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'Oku lolotonga feauhi 'ae ng Fonua 'oe Pasifiki pea pehee ki NZ n Aussie kihe Maketi Lelei taha mo tupu fkutuutu ae folau 'eve'eva ka ko China. Pea 'oku ngatu 'ae ng Fonua ni teuteu moe ng founga fkmaketi ke tohoaki'i mai 'ae kau folau 'eve'eva mai 'a China.
"oku tau tui fkpapau 'e Tokoni Lahi 'eni kihe Langa 'oe Taki Mamata. pea fenapasi moe Kave'inga 'oe Folofola Hu'ufi 'oe Falealea 2016 'e King Tupou VI.