  • One of the files that is needed for the correct operation of the System - CW Gears plugin appears to be missing! Please install a fresh copy of the latest version to fix this issue.

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'Oku 'ikai foki mahino ia kia Mary e me'a koe ngaue 'i loto he lao 'o fakatatau ki he tu'ut'uni 'ae lao, he koe toki taha ia ha ki'i fefine maumau lao 'o kamata pe mei he lao 'oe nofo 'api. Fekau'aki moe vahe 'ae faka'uli Fale Alea, ko ena 'oku fakatokanga mai 'e Siosi 'Kuopau ke lau ‘a e ngaahi tepile ‘i muí fakataha mo e Ngaahi Tefito’i Tu’utu’uni Ngaue ‘oku hā ‘i he konga kimu’a ‘o e lipootí (peesi 16, palakalafi H)". 'Asinga ai he ko Mary 'oku 'ikai fa'a tokanga ki mui kae ngata pe ia 'i mu'a. Kataki Mary 'oua fa'a li'aki ta'etokanga'i a mui he koe 'atunga e kuo fakakonga pe ho'o mahino pea ke iku 'oho mai ai he fu'u saliote maumau 'o takihala'i e kakai.
Fakamalo atu ki he Sea 'o e Ma'umafai Vahenga mo 'ene komiti he ngaue lahi mo fakapalofesinale ne mou fakahoko. 'Oua te mou tokanga ki he si'i paatatoo 'a Mary he koe 'atunga ia e lahi e 'aukai kuo si'i ngata pe 'i toumu'a kae sia'ki atu a mui ia ki he kakai kehe.