  • One of the files that is needed for the correct operation of the System - CW Gears plugin appears to be missing! Please install a fresh copy of the latest version to fix this issue.

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Koe Kalusefai ‘o hotau fakamo’ui koe talanoa matu’aki mahu’inga pea ‘oku ou faka’ofa’ia ‘ia Pailato ‘ihe’ene ‘ilo kihe tonuhia ‘a Sisu ka kuopau kene fai e me’a koia na’e kaila tokolahi atu kiai e kakai ‘oe fonua (majority). Koe “Bias” ko Pailato he na’e ‘ikai kene ‘oange ‘ae mo’oni ‘o hange’ ko’ene ‘ilo “Na’e ‘ikai ha hia ‘a e Tangata ni” ka na’a ne filifilimānako he’ene ilifia he fu’u kakai ‘o ne fanofano ai.