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The contradictions in both thinking and action of the PM (as in the observation of Mr Clive Edwards when "Mr Pohiva was an ardent opponent" of similar proposals that were made in previous governments) is true of Lord Acton's saying that "absolute power corrupts absolutely." As a matter of mere political convenience cleverly gained through lies and deceits, as well as a true opportunist and self-rightist, Mr Pohiva convincingly campaigned hard for power by using the democratic ideology of political governance (i.e., transparency, accountability, quality and justice), which has clearly been the very opposite of his ongoing unthinking but truly conflicting political conduct, Mr Pohiva seemed to have overly possessed by and obsessed with the technicality, superficiality and absurdity of political governance rather than its legality, logicality and normality.

By the contradictory way in which things have been tragically going and developing since his government came into power, especially if and only if all the necessarily required conditions are right (or made by force, lies and deception to be right), Mr Pohiva is truly on the dangerous path to being a real dictator. So, it may not be a matter of how (given that erratic and sporadic way he has been doing it anyway) but rather a matter of when (within the remaining two years of government given that his unthinking and irrational and dishonourable members of his cabinet continue to support it miles away from the common good and good of all of the whole of Tonga).