  • One of the files that is needed for the correct operation of the System - CW Gears plugin appears to be missing! Please install a fresh copy of the latest version to fix this issue.

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Kuo ke tofi tofi iiki e me'a ni 'o 'uhinga maalie pea 'oku 'i ai a' e fiefia mavahe. Pango ko e temokalati 'oku faka'uhinga'i fakatatau pe ia ki he fiema'u 'a e ni'ihi, pea 'oku holi 'a e ni'ihi ia ke 'omai e temokalati 'a e ngaahi fonua hau ketau pakalutu ai osi mo hili koia oku iai pe hotau ngata'anga. Kuo fu'u lahi e KE 'A TONGA MAI EE, kae 'ikai KETAU TU'U SIO FANONGO PEA TOKI KOLOSI. Malo lahi.