  • One of the files that is needed for the correct operation of the System - CW Gears plugin appears to be missing! Please install a fresh copy of the latest version to fix this issue.

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Ko e poini 'oku ha mai 'oku 'ikai pe ha taukei alea ia 'a e Palemia he levolo ki 'olunga ki hano fa'ufa'u ha founga ke ma'u ha pa'anga ke fai 'aki 'a e langa. Kapau na'e lotolelei pe Palemia ia ke nau ngaue fakataha moe komiti langa 'oe sipoti mei he kamata, 'I he tamini kuo ha sino mai .'a e u langa pea fakalanga mo fakalotolahi ki he to'utupu 'o e fonua ke nau kau mo teuteu malohi,fakamalohisino ki he sipoti 2019, aki 'a e 'uhinga he 'oku nau mamata 'oku fai he pule'anga mo e fonua 'a e ngaue lahi ke tokoni'i 'a e hakotupu 'o e fonua. Ka tau toe toloi mahalo 'e liunga 4 'a e fakamole 'I he hikihiki 'a e koloa mo e vahe 'a e kau langa pehe ki he exchange rate. Fakatata'aki 'eni: kapau kuo pau 'a e tokoni 'a PNG, kou tui au fiemalie PM ia ke hoko atu langa 'oua toe ta'ofi. 'Oku hanga he foi fakakaukau ko'eni 'o tuhu'i malohi mai koe langa ki he sipoti 'oku base hono hoko atu pe taofi 'I he taukei alea ki 'a e PM ki hono funding ha u project lalahi, ka 'oku 'ikai ko e pehe 'oku hala mo e pa'anga. Ne 'osi tuku mai pe he Minista Pa'anga lolotonga 'a e fakamatala 'I he ngaahi mahina ki mui ni mai 'e ma'u pe taketi ki he sipoti.