  • One of the files that is needed for the correct operation of the System - CW Gears plugin appears to be missing! Please install a fresh copy of the latest version to fix this issue.

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Ko e taula 'o e ta'emahino koe ta'e maa. 'Oku fakaloloma foki he koe tokolahi 'o e kakai 'o nau tui kia 'AKilisi tapu ange mo kinautolu koe si'i kakai 'oku 'ikai kenau si'i maa'usia ke 'ilo ki he loi 'a e siana. Ko 'eni kuo tau liliu 'i temiokalati 'oku kei masiva pe si'i kakai na'e lohiaki'i pea 'oku nau kei 'i he loto tangai pe 'a e tngata ni.
Malo Tu'ivakano hono fakamanau mai e Lao he koia 'oku pule ka 'oku 'ikai koe mahalo kovi 'a e PM. Tuku ki he Fakamaau'anga moe Polisi ke fai 'enau ngaue pea 'ofa mai aa feinga'i e kao ke sai moe sipoti ke lava.