  • One of the files that is needed for the correct operation of the System - CW Gears plugin appears to be missing! Please install a fresh copy of the latest version to fix this issue.

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Kuo taimi ke nga'unu 'a Tonga ni kihe founga 'oku toe lelei ange ko hono 'oange vaeua 'oe kau memipa poate kihe kau ngaue 'oe kautaha koia. Tenau 'ilo lahi ange 'ae ngaue 'ae kautaha 'oku fai moe me'a 'oku lelei kihe pisinisi pea 'ihe taimi tatau 'oku ne fakapapau'i he'ikai kau kovi ha tu'utu'uni kihe kau ngaue 'oe kautaha. Ko 'ene lelei ange ngaahi monu'ia 'ae kau ngaue 'oku 'ikai fepaki ia moe tupu 'ae pisinisi. Koe fiefia 'ae kau ngaue pea 'oku malavalava 'ae ngaue 'o kau lelei kihe kautaha koia. 'Oku ou tui koe founga ia ke nga'unu kiai 'a Tonga ni 'ihe ngaahi Poate 'ae Pule'anga.