  • One of the files that is needed for the correct operation of the System - CW Gears plugin appears to be missing! Please install a fresh copy of the latest version to fix this issue.

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Koe 'Etita foki na'a ne ki'i fakalele 'a e Kele'a 'i NZ kimu'a, pea na ki'i faikehekehe faka'ulungaanga pe 'o iku fokotu'u ai e Kaniva. Kae talu e PM 'a 'Akilisi, moe hange 'oku toe fokifoki mamalie e lua ki he kulii. Pea tenau ki'i kaikai lalo hakalo ai fakataha moe Kele'a mo e Tnews, kae 'oualeva kuo 'osi e VONC pe term 'o 'Akilisi, kae toki vakai mei ai e hoko atu. Kae sai ketau 'ilo.