  • One of the files that is needed for the correct operation of the System - CW Gears plugin appears to be missing! Please install a fresh copy of the latest version to fix this issue.

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Kuo fele 'a kakai fe'unga he fonua ni ke fai e ngaahi fatongia . Ka kuo ha kuo puke mai ai 'e he pule'anga ko 'eni 'a e kakai palopalema. Ko 'etau fakakaukau ki he 'A Fusimalohi 'oku hange ko e lau 'a e kau leka ko e ki'i tama tatau ai pe. He na'e soka, pea toe heke hake 'o Sipoti ko 'eni kuo toe foki ke pehe tokua ne mo'ui e ZCO he ngaue 'ene tamai. 'Oku tau tui pe ne kau 'a e tama koia he poupou lahi ki a 'Akilisi. 'Oku ou ou kau he tui ke toe vakai'i hono appoint a 'Ahongalu he 'oku lahi faufau e kau ako lelei ange he fonua ni. 'Oku hange 'etau 'ilo e kakai 'e ni'ihi ko 'etau 'ilo'i 'a Setane 'o tatau ai pe ha taha teke 'eke kiai 'a Setani tenau tali mai ko e siana kovi. Na'a mo e lautohi fakasapate tenau 'ilo pe mo kinautolu kia 'Ahongalu.