  • One of the files that is needed for the correct operation of the System - CW Gears plugin appears to be missing! Please install a fresh copy of the latest version to fix this issue.

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Kou tokanga ki he lakanga fo'ou 'o Viliami pe na'e fou he PSC pe 'ikai. He na'e 'ikai tu'uaki 'ehe Va'a Monumanu 'a e Potungaue Ngoue hanau lakanga pehe. Kapau 'oku vahe faka-fale'i (consultant) pea kohai leva he 'Ofisi Palemia mo e Potungaue Ngoue 'oku to'o mei ai hono vahengai? Vakai'i atu foki 'ena Minisita Pa'anga he kuo anga 'aki 'ehe PM hono mono faka-fale'i holo 'ene fanga pone he ngaahi Potungaue 'a e Pule'anga. Koe me'a 'eni 'oku ui ko e 'ai'ainoa'ia mo e pule kovi 'ohua.