  • One of the files that is needed for the correct operation of the System - CW Gears plugin appears to be missing! Please install a fresh copy of the latest version to fix this issue.

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'Osi atu e tangata kae holo e pa'anga hu mai 'a e 87.5 he 'ikai toe putuputu a e polokalaa letio. Toe maloloo lelei e nafa hotau telinga he 'ikai toe ongona hono le'o. Toe ngaholo mo e ngaue a e Fale Alea he'ene pulia. Pea ka toe malooloo atu mo e fakafofonga Ha'apai 13 'e toe vave ange me'a kotoa 'i Fale Alea. He kuo tau fakatokanga'i 'oku kolosi hono silipa, senitolo a mata'u ka e su uku e va'e hema. Pea kuo na toki fetapate'aki pe ongo kauva'e 'o lavelavea ai pe Kainga Haapai 13 ia. 'Alu aiiiii