  • One of the files that is needed for the correct operation of the System - CW Gears plugin appears to be missing! Please install a fresh copy of the latest version to fix this issue.

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Ne fai e talanga'i eni he kamata'anga o e ta'uu hili hono fakahikihiki'i e he kau muimui o Akilisi o pehee tokua ko e 'ofa fonua eni a e PM he oku ne ange pee vahe hono fohaa mei hono katoo. Ka ko e pangoo, ko e 'ave pe mei fale ki fale. Ua, ko e a'u koee ki he folau ko eni ki tu'apule'anga e iku totongi e he pule'angaa. Tolu ko e access a e matapule ta'engaue fakapule'anga ni ki he 'uu information a e pule'angaa oku ikai totonu ke access ki ai e kakai mei tu'aa. Kaikehe, ko e teuteu pee a e PM a e taha ene fanau ke hoko atu ene ngaue fakapolitikalee....good exposure. I he tafa'aki e tahaa ko e fo'i laka eni oku ne justifiy a e fakafepaki ko ia ki he'ene feinga ke hamulele a e fonua ke fkangatatau ki he ngaahi me'a fakavaha'a pule' hangee ko e CEDAW taa koaa oku mo'oni e lauu...ko e TONGAN WAY , TONGAN style democracy!!!