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'Oku mo'oni lahi kotoa 'a e lau ko eni 'a Dr Latu fekau'aki mo e peritoneal dialysis... Pea 'oku ngaue lelei pe foki 'a e fa'ahinga dialysis ko eni kiate kinautolu 'oku sino iiki ange pea te'eki ke fakahoko ha tafa ki honau kete (hufanga he fakatauange) kimu'a. Ko e dialysis ko eni ''oku 'ikai fiema'u ke nau 'alu kinautolu ki falemahaki PE ko ha facility ke fai ai 'enau dialysis. 'Oku malava pe ke ako'i 'a e tokotaha dialysis pe ko ha taha kehe PE (caregiver) kene fai 'a e dialysis ko eni 'i 'api. 'E sai eni ke tau'ataina ange ai 'a e tokotaha dialysis kapau 'oku mo'ua ki ha me'a. 'Oku 'iai mo e misini (Automated Peritoneal Dialysis) ...Ko e ki'i misini ko eni 'oku te toki connect PE ki ai he taimi 'oku te mohe ai he po'uli pea hanga he ki'i misini 'o fai 'ete dialysis..he house 'e 8-12 pea ko 'ete 'a PE he pongipongi kuo'osi 'ete dialysis pea te free leva during the day...Faingofua 'aupito pe hono ako'i ha taha ke ne fai 'a e dialysis ko eni....'Oku lahi 'aupito e ngaahi kautaha providers ki he naunau tailasisi... Pea oku totonu ke explore ia ke nau compete ki he price and service... Then decide!!! Also consider where you get the dialysis consumables he ko e $100 US e faikehekehe lahi ia mo e $100 NZ...Pea e fiema'u foki mo e surgeons/trainers/tech support. Ka koi tui lahi ki he lau Dr Latu 'oku fakapotopoto ange 'a e ngaue'aki e haemodialysis for a start in Tonga!!! Faka'amuange 'e malava ke fakahoko 'a e dialysis 'i Tonga ...Sio Tonu si'i faka'ofa hotau kakai he fkpaea Holo I muli ni ko e kumi hufanga mo e mo'ui....